Lupron depot. Anyone out near ever taking these injections?

My ob/gyn prescribed it to me to take for six months. I own read all the side effects and wondering if any other women hold taken it and if it helped them or and side effect develop?

I am 43 and have other had regular period!But in the second 2 months they have be coming every 2 weeks!?

I took Lupron for six months and after the first two, I got used to adjectives the effects. I had horrible headache - like immobilize headaches - the first two months. The rest of the time I purely had hot flashes adjectives the time. I took a premarin pill the last few months.

I thought that taking the drug be a much better style of life for me versus living the method I was minus it.

I hope you do well beside it and I wish you the best! Feel free to contact me if you want to enjoy any more questions roughly how it felt to pinch the drug answered.


I took it and it made my life miserable... But i own heard of others who it be great for. if you Doc. perscribed it try it, if you have obnoxious side effects he can help beside things for those as well. Mine did. There is also Add Back Therapy depending on what you are taking it for, where on earth they give you a low dose BC pill lately to get your homones above the symptoms rank so you have an easier time taking it, But again that will depend on what you are taking it for. I be on it for my Endometriosis

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