What are some cause and what does a low white blood cell count in a woman close-fisted?

I went to own my annual appt with my gynecologist and they did blood work because I've be having really impossible cramps and heavy flow beside clotting while on my period. My doc think I may have Endometriosis. Well the blood work come back my platlette rank is low as well as my white blood cell count. So she have sent me to see a Hematologist next week. I'm alarmed because I don't know what to expect. I need some answers. Thanks!

Can Doctors?

I kept getting infections and my doctor diagnosed low white blood cell count, but the solitary treatment he put me on was taking 3 B-vitamins a afternoon for a few weeks and he told me to increase the amount of protein I ate. My last blood cell count be normal, so it worked for me.

LOW RED BLOOD CELL COUNT (Anemia, low hemoglobin, low hematocrit)

Red blood cell carry oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. A complete blood count (CBC) is a blood assessment used to check your blood count. The RBC, hemoglobin, and hematocrit are tests to see if you hold low red blood count.

When you have low red blood cell count you may be aware of:

Short of breath
Increase in your heart rate
Dizzy or lightheaded when you rework positions quickly
If you suffer from low red blood cell count, you may experience:

Chest Pain
Pale skin
Things you can do to help conduct operations your low red blood count:

Rest between activities.
Plan ahead and let go your energy for the most essential activities.
Avoid or stop accomplishments that make you short of breath or clear your heart beat faster.
Ask others for oblige.
Eat a diet with so-so protein and vitamins.
Drink plenty of non-caffeinated and non-alcoholic fluids.
When to call your doctor or condition care provider give or take a few low blood counts:

Severe weakness.
You touch dizzy or lightheaded.
Your heart is beating faster.
You touch short of breath or are having difficulty breathing.
Call now if you are having chest agony.
Your doctor or health diligence provider may prescribe or suggest to treat your low red blood count:

When you suffer from low blood platlet count you may notice:

Increased bruising
Petechiae (red dots on your skin described above)
Bleeding from snout, gums, rectum
Call your doctor immediately if you own sudden, severe unexplained pain.

Things you may do to fall your risk of bleeding if you have low blood platlet count:

Do not give somebody a lift medications that interfere next to the platelets being competent to form a clot.
Ibuprofen (Advil(R), Motrin(R))
Naproxen (Aleeve(R))
If you are not sure about taking any medication, check next to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist.
Do not use rectal suppositories or take your heat rectally.
Use caution or avoid flossing your teeth.
Use a terribly soft bristle toothbrush or oral swabs as recommended by your doctor or health strictness provider.
If your gums bleed, rinse with cold dampen. If bleeding does not stop call your doctor or condition care provider.
Avoid events that increase your risk of bleeding when you have low blood platlet count:
Contact sports
Amusement park rides that involve swiftly or quick motion.
Strenuous exercise.
Avoid or hinder the use of sharp objects such as knives, razor.
Hold pressure on any cut or scrape for at lowest possible 5 minutes.
When to call your doctor or form care provider something like low blood count:

Bleeding that will not stop after 5 minutes of pressure.
Bleeding that occurs spontaneously (by itself), lacking injury.
New or unexplained pain
Fall or experience trauma or injury
Feel dizzy or lightheaded
Have difficulty seeing or double daydream.

I know this isn't much, but I hope something here helps. I KNOW how alarming it can be, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you !
Good Luck !!

My period is almost a week unpunctually?

You could be anemia. Have you regular doctor do a CBC (Complete Blood Count) lab work. That will help see what is going on. You may own fibroids.

A hematolgist is a doctor who specializes in the study of blood, unsophisticatedly.

A question for guys: what do you reflect on about silicon breast implant?

Low white cell count usually indicates an infection of some kind. Consult next to your doctor and gyno. Hope everything's okay!

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