Started spotting three weeks early aid!?

Me and my boyfriend had unproected sex a hours of daylight after i finished my period! He didnt inside me!. and three weeks on from that me and my boyfriend be having sex and i found that it be hurting me!, We finished having sex and my boyfriend said that im on my interval! but my period is not due for another three weeks!. i put a towl on and surrounded by the morning it was jus spotting not a actual extent!. i stoped spoting and my belly has be hurting ever since its really painful and sore and i hurt adjectives over!. i have be to sleep but i keep gettin herald aches and i get the impression really week!. i feel sick as all right but havnt been sick nonetheless! please can someone help thnks x x

I hold pressure like strain in my lower stomach during sex and own nausea after. Also I have burning when I pee

you can shift to planned parenthood if you are worried in the region of your parents...they are friendly and everything is confidential... you can find the closest one to you online...

I have a ask about sex (for women only)?

You're probably pregnant.

Whats discharge?

Seriously, be in motion to an OBGYN, you have a possible infection and it could grasp serious. Forget about getting failing with your parents, its a situation of serious health.

What would inflict ovaries to hurt after an orgasm?

I think you requirement to go see an OBGYN. you might hold an std. It really doesnt sound close to you are pregnant. please do not have unprotected sex next to anyone. one in four populace carry stds and its only just not worth it to risk it. be good to yourself, you hold to live in your body for the rest of your natural life... go win checked out, you're supposed to get an annual pap smear anyway to check for cervical cancer, run for that and mention the other. good luck.

I have unprotected sex with my boyfriend? and i havnt g0oten mi spell?

Please go see your doctor. There are several things that might be wrong. Write down adjectives your symptoms and take that register with to the Dr to trade name sure you dont forget anything important. You may be pregnant so take home sure they test you for that and peak you for std's

Can breast feeding more frequently explanation your period to stop?

go to planned motherliness or you obgyn and have an exam.

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