Vaginal zit?

Once every year or so I get what I enjoy always assumed be a clogged pore that develops into a pebble-sized lump on the inner lip which eventually bursts and oozes a small amount of blood and pus. Is this mundane or anything I should be concerned about? I know it sounds gross so spare me the rude answers please. I wouldn't be here if I didn't enjoy a serious question. Any rude answers will be reported as treat roughly.

Peeing in the shower? is this gross? i mean does it really thing sence your in the shower getting verbs?

I have this too.Infact I enjoy one right now.I am not sexually stirring so I never worried about it. I thought I be the only one experiencing this.Thanks for have the courage to post this question.

Menstrual term question!?

this could be a cyst. call in your gyn.

What doctor would i go to if?

i capture the same things. its mundane

What are the signs of a yeast infection?

may be a cyst hon

How much more weight should I lose?

nah it's ok i take the same things sometimes, i once get one right on my clitoral hood..since it pops it's just an ingrown down or plugged pore so no need to be worried

i've never hear of this i hold no real answers for you, but i would progress talk to your doc! dutiful luck.

What's wrong with me?

it could be a moment ago a razor bump..or it could be a boil.u should contact your doctor for morre info

Does this nouns like an infection or STD?

you should budge and get some antibiotics especially if you shave b\c what it is is an infected pore and the antibiotics will cure it

How can you lessen breast size without surgical intervention?

i've hear of that before
but i don't know about every year
conceivably visit a doctor and manufacture sure its healthy or ok or anything


its not a zit it sounds like a cyst which effect masses women under arms breasts inner thighs mouth and vaginal and anal areas.

And Once Again?

I find the smae thing. I go to my GYN and he said that it is normal, nought to worry in the order of.


I have be told that it's a boil. You should alternate between soaking in warm river and Epsom salt and consequently placing a hot towel on it from time to time, until it comes to a head - next you can squeeze it and pop it... I wouldn't worry give or take a few it, I hear that a lot of ladies bring it from time to time... just another one of those awful things we ladies hold to deal near.

I want information on cervical inflamation?

Any where in attendance is hair and tight clothing in attendance is ingrown hairs and clogged pores, it happen to men as well as women, a cyst does't generally get infected as a foreign body such as a fleece or sweat would, and will stay the same shape contained by the body.

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