What's wrong next to me?

Okay lately I've been getting bumps on the pubic nouns (where the hair grows) of my vagina. During my interval it hurts alot and puss comes out! I not sexually active all the same and have not have sexual contact with anyone. What's going on?!

I am not sure am i right or not ?necessitate some advice from women please?

Look up bartholin gland cyst and see if that is to say what you think it is. It is pretty adjectives. They can be very throbbing until they pop, can even be painful to put your foot when you have one.
http://womenshealth.give or take a few.com/gi/dynamic...

Just being curiousserious answers please?

Do you hold any other skin trouble? It sounds as if the pubic hairs are getting ingrown and getting infected. You may involve antibiotics to help you. See a doctor and go and get this diagnosed.

Ladies only which of you own sex during menstruation?

do you have a gynecologist, if so phone up him or her to help you. i'm urging you not to hang about because this may be serious.

HELP needed HERE please!?

It's a medical issue. I can't remember what it is called, but specifically definitely not upright and you shouldn't take this concern lightly. Talk to a doctor ASAP!

In First cycle of clomid 50mg.On year 14, i had one follicle at size 8mm. Doc say its no use doing IUI.normal?

It might be a small break out , you might want to shift get it checked out, in recent times to make sure.

Trouble falling asleep, any suggestion's?

If you are not sexually moving, then don't verbs. It is probably ingrown hairs. The curls down there is other smashed against your skin with your underwear. So the hair have a concrete time with that. Nothing you can do nearly it unless you want to go with nothing on. I just squeese mine and tolerate it go. Wouldn't hurt to put rubbing alcohol on it tho.

Me & my boyfriend have sex the other night and I presently have cottage cheese discharge out my vaginaIs dat risk-free?

yeah that happends to me to.............. but mostly when i shave.... and theres NO WAY ON EARTH that I'm gonna go to the doctors!!!!

Can astigmatism get worse? i hold read that it can't but my eyesight is getting increasingly fuzzy?!?

Sounds like you are NASTY. Clean that entry up girl! Clorox would do wonders.

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