Is it normal to be on your time for over 3 months?

I am 15 years old and I basically got stale my period. First, I be not on it for 4 months then I be on it for about 3 and a partly months. People told me it because I am still young that its not regulated even so. But, I have have it since I was 11. Is nearby any reasons why it is doing this? How do I build it stop without self put on birth control? (My mom won't let me go and get on because she says its a sense to have sex) Someone please back me. Is been approaching this for 2 years. I dunno what to do!

Question for women only?

Well, at hand's this - if you have a gynecologist describe your mom you want to see him to "discuss" ways to stop the length of your length. For one thing, a mundane period doesn't breed you lose a lot of blood, but a 3 to 4 month spell could make you
anemic (not enought red blood cell to keep you nutritious and fight past its sell-by date illness.) You COULD call upon his office the daytime before you dance and tell him what your mom think, and ask him to have a word beside her. Dr.s don't usually mind but you can't ask in front of your mom,right? That's why you appointment him. I hope you have luck beside your problem. Try to stay calm, it'll lend a hand.

I have an enlarged labia and I'm singular 14 so how do I treat it?

Birth control is the only path to control your period... and it sounds similar to you need it. Tell your mom how discomfited it is to have a term for so long and see if you can talk her into it.

You don't hold to be on pills forever either... of late long enough to seize your cycle in control.

Ureteral Stent?

If you're going for more than 10 consecutive days at any one time lacking a break in bleeding, explicitly NOT normal. If you've have cycles like this for over 2 years, consequently you need to be in motion to your doctor and have a serious discussion next to him or her about getting a low-dose birth control pill to give a hand you regulate.

If nothing else, you're departure yourself open to anemia, which is a low iron stratum in the blood from prolonged menstrual cycles.

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