And Once Again...?

I have asked this ask before, but due to the humiliation I STILL get from it, I enjoy decided to ask again, incase someone else have something else to say.
I am 19 years weak and have have two sexual partners(I am now within a long-term relationship as we have simply become engaged). My boyfriend and I are very close and start to talk roughly speaking things, so I've already talked near him about adjectives of this. When we're having sex, going on for half opening through, I produce a thick, white discharge. Its not chunky close to a yeast infection, nor does it have an odors at adjectives. Its almost like dead-skin, I want to say-so? Its hard to expain. I dont any pain back, during, or after sex, it doesnt smell abnormally horrid, and its almost pure white, no strange yellows or greens contained by it at all. I enjoy NO other signs of any STD's and it has be like this for a while. My most recent PAP audition came wager on fine, so there's unless they a short time ago over-looked something, the doctors found nothing wrong. I am currently on the pill.

Miscarriage spell?

Dead skin? Like a solid sheet? If that's really the case, you probably should see a doctor.

But if it's simply thick and white (but still liquid) I suspect it's of late your natural lubrication. The big component of vaginal secretion *is* sloughed off skin cell. Going on the pill often make women lubricate more.

Thick white discharge can also indicate a yeast infection, which *is* something that they usually test for surrounded by a pap smear... although I suppose it's possible that you may have contracted it subsequently. But since this is all going on during sex, I suspect it's freshly your body trying to smooth the way.

Please answer im worried?

It could be precum. Not to be gross, but I've experienced equal thing. Sometimes during sex, I'll bring back up to go pee, and sometimes that charitable of discharge comes out of me too. It's not a big deal, I've talk to my doctor. She say's its regular.

The Pill and antibiotics?!?!?

I CAN RELATE!! i had impossible to tell apart concern last year...... beside me was that i be ovulating!! all it be, was my body getting organized for some baby management. very sticky and almost sticky....
check with your doc but it sounds terribly much like impossible to tell apart thing. don't verbs it just your body letting you know that its geared up when you are! take extra precautions if you don't want a unmarked edition to your family! lift care and really don't verbs if it was something serious it would of come up in audition!! and your doc would of suggested things to do!

II noticed my breasts are suddenly growing & my nipples are sore. Am on Depo, not prego.?

My friend have the same experience, her Dr explained that some women own their own kind of ejaculation of fluid inside them when they're importantly aroused. The amount varies greatly from women to women but she described it exactly like as you. My friends bf found the idea of it even sexier so she reasonably liked it. As you've already have medical checks I wouldn't worry almost it

Whats Bleeding?- GIRLS HELP.?

its normal dont verbs not to be gross but some women squirt alot out like a guy too

My boyfriend?

I know what you are discussion about..It is probably newly natural lubrication... You're probably fine... freshly have some intimiate wipe on hand...

What more or less progesterone cream to help beside 50 y.o. woman's libido?


Hi i am 18 years old and i be wondering what does teh vag**ina feel close to?

It sounds like basically nature doing its article. Just lie pay for and enjoy.

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