
What exactly is a three hour glucose test and if the results come rear legs at the third hour with your sugar reading 55 is that a fruitless reading? I am in the military is this something that could affect a career?

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A 3 hour glucose tolerance test is where on earth they take some of your blood and urine at every hour for 3 hours and guess what the sugar levels are doing at those hours. A reading of 55 indicates that someone have hypoglycemia. As for affecting your career it is possible if one doesn't hang on to snacks around to keep the sugar level up.

I would also recommend talking to your dr to see what they right to be heard about auxiliary ideas for snacks and such.

I be told by a dr's office once that I have low blood sugar, a reading of 34 and I told the office that if I really have a reading that low that I would be a very sick being and not talking to them at adjectives.

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this question is for your doctor.

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According to this site: http://www.rajeun.net/gtt.html the trial measures your blood sugar levels at intervals (usually hours) to check whether the body metabolises (uses the sugar as joie de vivre and pancreas is working properly). therefore if sugar level are high after 3 or 4 hours, it finances you may have diabetes. if sugar level drop fast afterwards you may have hypoglycemia. I'd say-so that 55 is probably a sign of the sugar levels dropping alot after an intake of sugar, ie hypoglycemia.

believe it or not, alot of nation do suffer this condition (I being one of them!) hypoglycemia (dont transport my word for it, its just what i remember from doing research) can be associated near diabetes or can come about any by not eating and your body "running out of energy" (sugar level low) or from eating something high-ranking in glucose and the body producing too much insulin to sort up for this sugar overload so that all the sugar breaks down suddenly thus creating a sudden sugar lessen. In short, the 3 hr glucose test is a style of testing how your body react to sugar, whether it uses it up suddenly (well the pancreas produces insulin correctly) or whether it stores it (high blood sugar)

as for your job,I dont reckon it could affect your career unless you are really severely hypoglycemic (ie you giddy if you even dare miss a meal, suffer from extreme symptoms of tiredness etc) but within most cases, its just a issue of keeping a sugar fix with you and preparing yourself for those times where on earth eating may be rock-hard (shift work, stressful work conditions etc). Some people consider it a disease. I be told i had it later the same dr told me theres no such piece as a label even though when researching on it, theres so various diet suggestions etc treating it the same as celiac disease or lactose intolerance. hope this information answers your press!!

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Basically you shift in, they draw some blood. They sort you drink this super sugary soda type stuff as fast as you can, consequently they take your blood again every 15 minutes for close to 3 hours. It hurts because they don't just catheterize you, they stick you contained by the same freaking vein over and over again.
You might be stuck at a desk job if you're within the military - if you have low blood sugar, you stipulation access to food immediately when your sugar smooth drops. If not, you become a danger to yourself and everyone around you. You literally start losing brain function and can't even mull over properly when your sugar level is low. You stipulation to be around people who can see the symptoms (people might actually reason you're drunk, a lot of the symptoms are similar) and grasp you something to eat fast. There's no way you can be contained by combat with symptoms close to these. Who knows what the military will do, but I'm thining you'll be stuck in an department somewhere.
Also know that you're much more likely to develop diabetes if you're hypo. You've really gotta keep watch on your diet and health very soon, to prevent this from developing. My suggestion would be to see a dietician.

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