Birth control?

I just started taking B.C( Pill) on sunday and my b/f ejacutlated in me on wed. How long do you enjoy to take the pill in direct for it to take effect. The first day or weeks? Also when I lift the last pill, you ususally; start your period; do lug the pill that week too? So you never stop taking the pill ever unless you want to quit or take one week off and start spinal column up the sunday after you period

What's wrong!? i'm overdue for my interval and DEFINATELY not pregnant.?

No, your birth control is probably not effective on the other hand.

You need to go to a planned paternity, a pharmacy that dispenses plan b OTC, or an ER as soon as is humanly possible, and get yourself emergency contraceptives.

If, depending on where you live, it's be longer than 72 hours, you need to get to a planned maternity or your gyn as soon as humanly possible and get a copper T iud.

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The birth control pill is not effective until you hold been on it for about a month. I would gain a plan b pill if he ejaculated in you on Wednesday (yesterday) because the BC pills you are on are not efficient yet. You should never stop taking the pills unless you want to be off the birth control. Taking the pills irregularly increase your risk of pregnancy dramatically. Also for the first few months, your period will be really irregular. That is normal so do not stop taking the pills unless you are planning on going off the medication. But for the first request for information, your pills are probably not effective yet.

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You should lurk a good month! It will take at most minuscule a good month for your body to get familiar to the pill. Some doctors say to wait 3 months, but at lowest possible wait a month. I waited 3 months beforehand we went without protection, because i needed to be extra careful. Yes, the day that you are on your time of year, you can take those sugar pills. Those are the ones at the end of your pack that are a different color. You don't HAVE to pilfer them, but its good to get into the quirk, and they have vitamins in them too. I would never suggest taking one week stale, and then starting back again after a week. That will really throw your hormones stale, and make you crampy. If you do that, you'll just hold to start all over again and wait another month since you have unprotected sex. I hope you were NOT ovulating when your bf ejaculate inside you on Wednesday. Good luck.

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The pill is 99% effective, but that still isn't 100%. It usually takes one full cycle for your body to adjust. Depending on what pill you thieve, you should either have 3 weeks worth of pills and 1 week worth of placebo, or 3 weeks of pill and 3 days of placebo. You do not hold to take the placebo if you don't feel close to it. If you don't take the pill everyday (say you forget one day), this lowers the effectiveness. Good Luck.

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