
What does it mean?

What do you do if you started your spell for the first time?

Usually someone who sleeps about.

How antiquated was the youngest woman/girl to enjoy cervical cancer?

demure! loveable! my type of girl!

What to look for when thinking about getting plastic surgery?

It's a word beside a negative connotation that usually refers to women, not often ever to men, who enjoy relaxed sex. Basically, it's the educated course to call a woman a *, skank or whore.

Is it typical for you to be able to smell it while your have a period?

Promiscuous technique
Having casual sexual relations frequently beside different partners,indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partner.
Lacking standards of selection, indiscriminate.
Casual, hit and miss.

Products to increase a womans sex drive? Are there any sites I can purchase some from?

basically your up for anything sexually or interested in more than 1 partner (are you)?

Prolonged menses.?

Indulging in unconcerned and indiscrimate sexual relationships. Unfortunately and unfairly the word is usually attached to women

If I stir to a hospital in one county and consequently go to one surrounded by another with alike name.?

In computer network, it means the mode surrounded by which a NIC gathers adjectives network traffic instead of getting solitary the traffic intended for it.

I have in recent times started taking the efferdrin (effigen) diet pill. can anyone give me any info on it?

in simple english, it resources sluttish (thesaurus)

I'm allergic to modern living.honest!i get rash! help!!?

to sleep around

Fibroids,can they be shrunk fluently.If so how does diet contribute to that process?

some one who has copious sexual partners x

IUD Question?

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