My 12 YEAR weak sister have SEX at a shindig?

help!!,what do i do my sister who is 12 had sex at a gala and she might have her period but wont consent to me take her to the doctor. Could she be preg?

Uhm birth control = pregnant?! what?!?

Shes a whore

WHY do I love to bite things?

kids these days. you should whip her to the docter! like the others said, if the boy wore a condom then she's probably not preg. did she draw from her period yet? notify your parents. i'm sorry if im getting a little cussy but she IS 12! She shouldnt be going to parties and haveing SEX! Take her to the docter, and be paid sure she is not preg.

I m 26 yr outmoded girl. My brest size is 30 i want to increase it upto 36 but minus surgery n medicn... suggest?

best bet is 2 get her checked out at a clinic or whatnot. even if he didnt use a condom it doesnt mean shes pregnant. but no situation if she gets her period or not jump 2 a clinic or doctor nd get her tested for stds nd such. for her own safety. nd in a minute is tha perfect time 2 teach her roughly speaking sex education. ya digg?

I consistency really lantern head!?

omg u guys stop scaring her!shes a concerned elder sister!!
i think u should follow the advice LSaddict give u-and go to pharmacist get the pill be4 72 hours r best best of luk!
and just about being pregnant.ima be straight up for her to be pregnant the guy wouldve supposed to -i dunno how else to say it-release his ..u no solution.into her for her to be pregnant...ask her did he go in her?if then u got nought to be worried bout

and u said she MIGHT have her sure first and after draw conclsuions based on advice and ur education

Should i shave "down there" will it hurt?

Well, sex isn't necessarily intercourse, which is what she would've had to have surrounded by order to become pregnant.

If she did, in certainty, have sexual intercourse, she could possibly be pregnant. You should tell your parents.

Gaining weightiness and yaz!?

OMG! 12? She should be playing tea carnival with her friends, not having sex near them!

Take her to the doctor!

And if you have some older brothers. Get them to slaughter the daylights out of the guy responsible for this.

Age to start masturbating?

take her to the doctor, asap. Its horrible for her! Was she protected? if not, jesus i need you luck. So many things could be wrong. Slap the boy who did it. Yes, she is most likely preggo but, survey for signs.

Long time to ***?

You can't get pregnant if you don't have your extent and you can't get pregnant the first time you have sex so she's doubley out of danger.

Spotting and cramps?

A 12 year old at a party? Wtf?

Plan B will kind her sick to her stomach but do what you gotta do I guess.

Id bring her to the doctor...

F*cking hell, kids these days.

Veins on breast?

Yes. Get her to take the morning after pill (Plan B). You can receive it from the pharmacist over the counter. It works up till about 72 hours after the unprotected sex occured. Don't waste time.

Is it ordinary?

oh wow.
i know you wont want to do this, but its kinda influential you tell an adult. gain an adult to coax her into going to the doctor.

Gardasil and Late Period?

You wont know till she has or doesnt hold her period, this is scarry to hear, my stepdaughter just turned twelve, WOW, Hope she's not and bring back her on BC ,,

Period ask, please please help out?

OMG!! tell an adult and bring her to a doctor
ps she's single twelve you HAVE to tell an adult even if she doesn't want you to. She doesn't know in the order of protection and all that stuff

Im on my term what should i do?

She was raped, she requests to see a doctor. Pregnant? maybe.

I've be on brithcontrol for almost 8 months and my period are worse?!?


Whats a synonyme please lend a hand?


Something grotesque...please comfort...?

if she has her spell then duh


well did the boy wear a condom? except, then yes, she could definitely be pregnant.

Been stale my spell for 6 days and purely have a Q?

12? wow thats crazy

Mature Question.?

if she have her peiord and the boy did not were
protection than yes there is a indiscriminate that she could
get pregnant.

Dizzy until that time interval?

Laxative dependence.involve proposal please.?
I requirement a woman's give support to!?
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