Prolonged menses.?

I am experiencing a prolonged menses. I am on day 10, of a really very wispy flow. Very minor craming and not anything commonplace for what I have previously experienced. I'm 24 and enjoy never had any cycle resembling this ever. I am wondering (hoping, really) that this is implantation bleeding, but from what I own read online, implantation bleeding wouldn't last this long ;-( Other than stress, emotion, eating behaviour, exercise, weight loss/gain what could be the raison d`??tre of this light bleeding that won't stop? Thanks.

Really hungry during my interval?

call the doctor.. they will impart you something to stop it.. i would suggest going if it stops anyway.

GIRLS ONLY (girl question something like *ahem* you know that *thing* every mounth?

should stop in couple days

How much taller can I get?

wish I could comfort you out. I'd call the doctor he/she will put in the picture you whether or not you should worry. It is probably nil.

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