Me and my boyfriend have sex even when Im on my spell is that okay?


How old be you the first time you went to the gynecologist?

sure is! Some girls even claim it help with cramping and other pains and others enunciate that sex feels better when they're on their time It just depends on whether or not he is okay near the site of the blood.

I want to know an abortion pills pease help?

It's and respectable clean but he obligation to use the condom because you can get pregnant

Is my girl-friend prone to preg if she've get the menses but it only come for like 1 or 2 days?

If you don't enjoy cramps, and he doesn't mind a bit of staining, then here is no problem. It won't harm any of you.
Try doing it in the shower, it's a bit more pleasant.

Ok um my vagina is itchy and there is white stuff where on earth the hair grown. im only just 13 && havent had sex beforehand?

LOL... I think its OKAY as long as url are comfortable

How can i cure foot edema during pregnancy?

I don't think it's unhygienic if he is using protection (I jsut answered another question concerning fine art with menstrual blood). It would probably explanation your cycle to change (i.e cramp more, bleed more).

I newly got a boob duty 10 days ago my right boob has droped some but my moved out one hasnt any sug?

well thats sounds kinda weird but sure i guess. i might try that if it help me feel better during my length.

Why are my periods so irregular?

It's fine.

It is simply your unused lining of the uterus individual shed.
Some guys may get a bit freaked out nearly the blood but it certainly wont hurt any of you.

Why can't lactating women take indubitable vitamins?

Heck yeah! If it doesn't bother him, that can be the best time! That is the one thing I miss around periods, which I haven't have since I was 26.
I enunciate GO FOR IT!
Yeah, but use condoms if you are not in a monogamous relationship, that's closely of body fluids exposure from you to him.
You are fertile about 2 weeks beforehand your period starts, but VERY RARELY during your time.

P.S. It made it much easier for me to achieve...fruition. ;-)

What is it?

if your bf don't mind the stains, wallow in it.

Normal Size?

yes sure

Throat question?

like they enunciate you can play in the red ocean but dont drink from it :)

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