What is it?

Alright, I am only 19 and I own this weight that I only can't seem to shave rotten on my stomach...I don't really eat that much at adjectives. I have a bowl of cereal surrounded by the morning and then i get through dinner. After dinner I usually sit in front of the TV for an hour or two and consequently take a shower consequently i just sit and realx til I travel to bed. I don't binge eat at adjectives. I did have my spell twice in one though (June)and the secend one done on the 29th. Me and my fiance have be tryong to get pregnant but I outstandingly doubt that is what it is. Do any of you own any suggestions on how to shed like 3-5 more lbs. and why it won't appear to go away? I am stirring during the day so its not similar to I just sit around adjectives day...

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Well considering your only 19 and your trying to catch pregnant you probably shouldn't try to lose any weight. If you a moment ago want to tighten your abs then try bedside light exercises, crunches or situps
I know it's hard to stick to exercises but really you should try to shape up a bit than lose weight.

I am on Birth Control and I am worried produce my Period has be going for 13 days now! is everything ok?

Well your diet is unacceptable. Your body may be hungry and you need to be more contained by tact with that. You want 3 meals a daytime with lots of fruits and vegetables. If you are hungry your body is feed of the fat you already own and that stimulates more sugars and fats to form to hold feeding rotten of it until dinner. So eat more. Even if you aren't hungry you should procure all your servings in...Try the partly plate rule at every meal. partly of your plate is fruits and/or veggies then a quarter next to protein, and a quarter with grain. I had like peas in a pod issue as you until i figured it out. OH! plus do 100 situps specifically every hours of darkness before bed.great for toning

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