Are my boobs going to bring bigger?

I'm 16, and a 34 B. My mom is a full D, my sister is a very full C. Both of them developed breasts at an rash age, earlier than 16. While my boobs are fine, what are the probability of them growing bigger? My doctor said that I'm not going to get any taller, purpose grow any more, so does this mean that my boobs aren't going to grow any? I weigh about 126 and am 5'5", if that matter.

Answers:    Breast size is not all inheritance, so don't look at your family to see what size you will be.

You grow contained by your breasts into your mid 20's. So you'll either remain a Beautiful B or grow even bigger (heck you could get hold of up to a K cup!).

Don't worry something like your breast size.
Maybe you will, maybe you won't.

Women stop growing around their rash twenty's. So even if you have reach the height you will be for the rest of your energy, your body can still grow and fill out more.

Sorry I couldn't provide much information. ^-^;;
WELL IF YOIU WMAT YOUR BOOBS TO GET BIGGER THEN GEWT A BOOB JOB BUT IF NOT JUST BE GLASD U HAVE SOME LOL...LOVE MUCH TAYLA! Probably not. I own much smaller breasts than both of my younger sisters and I am 24. Mine didn't grow anymore after the age of 18, so yours may get rather bigger but probably not a full cup size or anything. Both of my sisters have Ds and I am solely a B.
you may or then may not
i own larger boobs than what my mum ever had
shes a b-c and im a dd-e
i ruminate i inherited them from my nan or something
so it can move about either road!!
It depends I don't think that anyone can clearly bring up to date right now. Just because your other line members are big surrounded by bust size that doesn't necessarily mean you will be. You will necessitate to wait and see but in attendance is a possibility of a size increase.

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