Help girls just?

When I go number 2 within the batheroom and I wipe my butt there is red stuff and I don't cogitate it is my period result in i don't have it yet(I am a kid)What is wrong near me?Thanx

Does inserting a tampon for the first time really hurt?

If you passed a large movement, it could be that it split the skin for a time, causing some bleeding. Were within just some spots on the tissue or be it a lot? Only when you wipe? Was there any blood on the movement?

If it continues or is more than for a while spotting of blood, I would strongly recommend that you talk to your Mom. Often it's only a small skin crack but if it goes on or is profusely, it could be something else.

Good luck.

How doctors tells dilevery date during initial stage of pregnency?

Go settle to your parents something could be wrong.

GIRLS! Emergency contercaption what does it do?

you need to give an account your mom and see a dr.
if you are sure it isnt your period.
it could be a hermmorhoid which is an enlarged artery.
or something serious.

Why does my stomach swell up the week before my interval?

You're wipping too much/too hard cause a tear on your anus, and the red stuff is blood.

What is the basis for bad smell from my wife during intercourse?

You might enjoy been consumption spicy food, or maybe pushing too intricate. You just broke some capillary. Unless it continues or worsens, it is probably OK.

Diaherra problems..can anyone help?

If it's coming from you're butt you're probably constipated . which mode you're probably not drinking enough marine and not eating satisfactory fiber in your diet.

Do women tend to grasp emotional when interval is coming?

maybe when you pooped it stretched the hole and caused a bit of bleeding, dont verbs it happens adjectives the time
it hurts i know, but nothing is wrong, purely be happy that its over near.

My cousin wants to know does anything hold to do with when you win your 1st period, if so what?

Oi... I have the same problem. I be a shy girl and I never told my parents. It went away after I stopped obsess about it.

BUT... you shouldn't do what I did... narrate your mom cz your health is immensely important. I yearning someone told me this when I was a kid!

What is thirog?

um i read ur other question and they say u own a daughter and a bf? nice try and get a energy

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