UGH! i hold a yeast infection from taking antibiotics for strep. Anyone have any inbred remedies?

I heard yogurt on a tampon helps

Does anyone hold chronic pelvic and back agony?

LOL...the yogurt doesn't go on the tampon, it go in your mouth, you own to eat it. I would utter get some yogurt (with involved cultures). The cranberry juice is for bladder infections, so you could go and get some of that if you like, at most minuscule you be hydrated... :)

Other than that, monistat makes some really appropriate stuff and although it may not be natural, it works and you dont want it to go and get worse. There is no need to be in motion to the docs for a yeast infection, if you are sure that it what it is. Remember to keep the nouns clean, and dry and to wear cotton panties everyday until it is gone and at smallest every other day after that to consent to your vagina breath!

Good Luck!

My sister has small bumps on her areola and they started after using a tanning bed could this be the rationale?

Only cure - pee a lot. Cranberry liquid should work - drink plenty of it.

How is ectopic pregnancy developed?

go back to the doc and capture some meds they have em for it beter something you know where on earth it came from the yogart might be expired ya never know

Coming soon?

You call for to cut out all sugars and try to get through yogurt or drink buttermilk. The sugar feed the yeast cause it to be worse. Good luck.

How do i shorten my period?

"peeing" deeply doesnt work, it's not even the same hole!

You can purchase "Gentian Violet" over the counter at a pharmacy. It's a paint. It will turn purple. But it wear off and consequently it's cured.
Why won't you just return with the over the counter anti-fungal cream?

At what age does a woman reach her sexual apex?

use a power washer to verbs it out!

Ever think abou this?


About boobs?

yes yogurt on a tampon, put together sure that it is plain yogurt. also iron the crotch of all your verbs underwear so that the high temps decimate yeast.also avoid foods that have sugars and cut put a bet on on refined sugars and carbs.

Period 2 days belatedly?

The OTC anti-fungal creams usually work very all right, but if you just prefer crude options instead, you can use yogurt and steal a good probiotic combo pill to lend a hand restore the balance of the microbes. Go ahead and purchase the cheapest OTC kit you can find, a moment ago for the disposable applicators. Fill the applicators with plain yogurt instead of the medication, and do it twice a time for 7 to 10 days. Any pharmacy or store like GNC should enjoy a good probiotic product you can filch.

Oh yeah - wear a breathable pantiliner or thin wad while doing this. Both the creams and the yogurt usually seep out at tiniest a little during the daytime, so you will want to change pad out frequently to stay dry.

Thick Vaginal Discharge?

Cut out dairy and sugar, drink cranberry juice and wet, and take lactobacillus acidophilus tablets. Eat more garlic too. But seriously, thats a slow and incredibly uncomfortable health-giving process, i reccommend monistat if you want to be good by the finish of the week.

Question just for ladies..?

What I do - and it works.

Make a tampon out of garlic.garlic wrapped contained by guaze.with a string tied ot it set off it in overnight.

This works as a slight antibiotic which should gun down off the discouraging bacteria (weird seeing as it happen because of antibiotics.I had this a great deal last year)

Next I use a yogurt tampon. Soak a tampon surrounded by plain yogurt and put it in. You can also put some yogurt around your entrance on labia... aaah soothing.

Plain yogurt has live influential bacteria.similar to when you are on a lot of anitbiotics you're given some form of live live bacteria to relieve bring back your perfect you may alleviate.

Douche with a vinegar/water solution. One tablespoon vinegar to four cups water - once a year...onyl when you have the infection. douches can in reality cause a yeast infection.

''Paint'' Gentian Violet over your labia and adjectives...make sure to use a wad though it stains!

Yay.get sour sugars and fermented foods.
drink a lot of unsweetened cranberry or blackberry liquid eat plentifully of yogurt (plain or not) eat more garlic...and vitamen c.

Hope this'll likely procure it more than once.

I have little white bumps on my vagina, what could that be, i doubt its an std since im a virgin?

Ahh I know how you get the impression. I never had a Y.I. within my life afterwards I had to whip antibiotics for an ulcer and get one.

Please please please don't use any crazy home remedies. Just go to the gorcery store and pick up a pack of Monistat. That cured mine right away.

The root say yogurt is virtuous because it helps prevent yeast infections if you **EAT** it.

Real medication is essential because it is inserted *up* inside you. Yogurt on a tampon or pad cannot do this.

The undamaged point is restore the PH balance and inherent bacteria.

Do you guys still draw from scared going to the doctors adjectives the time?

Yogurt, raw honey and garlic adjectives help but they do not brazen out the root cause of yeast infection which is Candida albicans.

Have you tried the holistic approach? It's not assured or quick and it does whip some commitment but it is far more effective long possession solution than any worthless cream or antibiotics.

Here's an honest and comprehensive program that helped me the most after ALL that I enjoy tried has practically bungled:

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  • Question about bladder infections?
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