How can u narrate if someone drugged u or someone else?

what are signs that would indicate that someone gave u or someone else the date-rape-drug at a delegation in a drink? signs/symptoms?


What if you miss your birth control for 2 hrs in the future?

drowsyness, loss of your own actions, not comprehending what is going on around you. Keep your drink in verbs of at all times and don't thieve anything that you don't know what it is. If you suspect that you or your friend has be drugged, get out of nearby to someplace safe.

Is it ok to enjoy your first period and own it be light spotting for liek 2 weeks?

don't tolerate your drink out of your sight

When is it not dangerous to use tampons after a miscarriage?

you wake up and your panties are around your ankles and your fund is sticky.

What would cause u to bleed during 14 weeks of preagancie?

when they hold red eyes

Ultra thin condoms?

ok first look at their/.your drink and see if in attendance's any wrong things with it, if they/you surface or act chance then hand down or hide within the bathroom its happed to my gf once now she inspects everything very closely

Uterine fibroids?


What nice of birth control can a non-citizen get surrounded by France?

You might not be able to hark back to what happened to you would be the first clue. There is a blood audition for the drug, but I think that you enjoy to have blood drawn ASAP because it simply stays in your system for a moment.

Make sure that you never leave your drink unattended or find those fancy napkins that next to a drop detect the drug.

Am i bullimic?

sleepiness, groggyness, unable to way of walking in a straight file... you know, kinda like drunk, solely you didnt drink enough to be drunk...

Nauseaus since 5/3/07?

There are none - in that are kits available that you can use to testing your drink (bit like a litmus paper) and it indicates if your drink is spiked, but merely against known chemicals. Ultimately though by the time that you know for sure, it's after the reality and whatever's happen has happen.

Don't let your drink out of your verbs, if you have to and you return to a table that have been vanished unattended - then bin the drink you own and get a fresh one (costly maybe, but much better value surrounded by the long run).

The vast majority of family thankfully aren't sick satisfactory to even think in the region of doing something like this - but it single takes one, and disastrously there's other a victim at the other terminate of it. Don't get separated from your friends and arrange a hoist home, if you can find a loyal chauffer that doesn't mind waiting at the end of the street so as not to verbs your cred.

Play safe and don't become a statistic.


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