What is this sharp, pulsing backache in my lower belly (right side)?

Rule out: pregnancy, pms or appendix. What else could be causing this?

Did you know tomorrow be No Tobacco Day?

It sounds like a ovarian cyst. They can band any where from an dull hurt to a very acute sharp backache. I have deal with them for years. You probably entail to see your gyno and have a Vag U/S done and don't verbs it is not as bad as it may come across.
Oh yeah by the way I am on my husbands vindication which is why I come up as a man

Pcos what are some signs and symptoms..?

a blockage in the bowel ,or it is twisted =ask your Dr to do an ultra-sound to be sure what it is=it could also be the lower portion of your kidney =double reason to run to Dr


Could be ovulation. Check this site out for more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/mittelschme...

What is the danger next to having a breast cyst that have a hard center?

You may want to see if you hold bladder infection or uniary tract infection. Have you been drinking alot of soda? Try drinking cranberry liquid. If I is UTI then you may stipulation antibiotics.

I am a virgin..i just dont seize turned on by watching porn in which couple own sex?

Ovarian cyst


Possibly a ovarian cyst, or you might have a bit of constipation. . If you ruled the other things out , and your still anguished go to the Dr.

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you should go to the doc and enjoy them check out to make sure you are fine.

Should adjectives abortion be illegal?

The most adjectives cause would be appendicitis, but I'm not sure how you ruled that out. For women it could be associated near a number of ovarian conditions, such as a ruptured cyst, or ovarian torsion (when the ovary twists around it's blood vessels). It could also be due to a hernia. Or, it could be diverticulitis (an infection of subdivision of the wall of the colon), but that is more adjectives on the left side. Another possibility is ectopic pregnancy, depending on how you ruled out pregnancy.

Suffering principal hair loss after the birth of my son. What's the best remedy?

urinary tract infection

i have these same back problems, and when i go to the doctor he said it was from a uti. if you own trouble peeing too, thats probably what it is.

I have be feeling nausious and tired what could this be?

Lol. That's gas. I'm not trying to be funny any...that's seriously what it is. What have you be eating lately?

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