Pcos what are some signs and symptoms..?

ive been battle with irregular period for some time now.. when i be 16 and went on the pill my doc told me that i wasnt ovulating because my period were adjectives outta wack..now i own been stale of it for over 3 years and they are starting to go spinal column to the way they use to be..i cant even explain to you when im going to start next..could be tomorrow could be two weeks from presently..i dont have robustness insurance and i was wondering if planned parent hood could do the oral exam it takes to find out and sustain fix my problem if i do have it or not..and if i do.. would planned parent hood also hand over me meds to fix it or give me meds to lend a hand me concive when i decided to hold kids? please help..gratefulness..


Beach and hair?

There are several support groups for women near PCOS try talking to them (ask on their boards and see what have already been discussed) it does not event whether its a support group in Australia or UK or anywhere around the world, the problems are similar.


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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder where you own high level of certain sex hormones and irregular, or no, menstrual period. You can also have lots of cysts on your ovaries. PCOS is characterised by a few symptoms, such as excess facial and body hair, acne, tubbiness and infertility. About one in 10 women in the UK develops the condition. COS is a syndrome that can affect your menstrual cycle, fertility, hormones, insulin production, heart, blood vessels and appearance. Women beside PCOS have these characteristics: * soaring levels of a hormone call luteinising hormone (LH), produced by the pituitary gland (in the brain) and testosterone, the male hormone produced by the ovaries1,2,4,6 * an irregular or no menstrual cycle * oodles small cysts on the ovaries although these are not always present For most women, polycystic ovaries don't motive any problems. But if you have polycystic ovaries along near high level of hormones such as luteinising hormone and testosterone, and irregular, or no, menstrual periods you are possible to have PCOS. It is also possible to own PCOS but not have polycystic ovaries and a doctor can diagnose the condition basically on you having sure symptoms. The syndrome in this casing is influenced purely by the hormone imbalance and is not related to the ovaries. Symptoms Most women next to PCOS start to notice problems within their late teens or 20s. A compass of symptoms is possible, but you are likely to enjoy one or more of the following: * absent, infrequent or irregular period due to the imbalance of hormones * infertility as you entail to ovulate to become pregnant and some women with PCOS do not ovulate regularly or at adjectives * obesity or weightiness gain * excess hair (hirsutism) - if you produce too much testosterone - which can develop surrounded by places such as the face, chest and tummy * alopecia (thinning hair) expressly at the top of your head and on your temple if you produce too much testosterone * acne which lasts longer than typical teenage years, again if you produce too much testosterone read more here
http://hcd2.bupa.co.uk/fact_sheets/html/... http://www.womens-health.co.uk/pcos1.asp...

Coming to your enquiry about planned motherhood , they would be able to to some core tests however treatment of PCOS would probably not be done by them. They could guide you to a low cost Ob/Gy handy though,
Dr. Gupta

What does it mean if you own your period for 2 weeks or longer?

I own PCOS too...

You diagnose PCOS by vaginal untrasound (they can see/count the cysts on ovaries) and by FSH and LH hormones... they will be a 3:1 ratio and backwards from what it should be. No they can't give you the 'meds' to fix it because PCOS is sooo different for everyone. You may or may not know how to have children. Many do. Many don't. I can't own children and I have a smaller amount serious case of PCOS.

In the most rough and ready terms...PCOS is a hormone disparity and several docs told me until you get your hormones in proportion, you won't be able to lose weightiness. PCOS helped me gain 85 pounds in freshly over 2 years...and I have NEVER have a weight problem. I see a naturopathic doctor (used to practice middle-of-the-road (MD) medicine be he saw patients weren't self helped beside drugs...) so they use all raw stuff. I started seeing him in March 07 and am so pleased.

As far as weight gain...I am FINALLY losing! YIPPEEE!! I lost 10 pounds in the first 30 days. I hold insulin resistance and if it's not controlled now, it WILL turn contained by to diabetes. I cut out ALL sugar and yeast. When I say ALL, I be going to ALL. Sugar and all the other things it's call in food label...nothing white really.no flour (I use ground up slow cook oatmeal), no sugar, no elegant sugar, no rice, no potatoes, no bread, no pasta...etc. Sugar is in bread, it's within condiments...etc. Oh, no dairy. I FEEL fantastic too! I don't hurt anymore, I focus sooo much better at work, I am not tired all the time. Here' s complete list/guidelines: http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=9009...

I am on several inborn bio identical hormones too. You entail a ND for those. Also the money to pay for them...if you are on a fixed income...it may not be an odds for you.

I am taking many supplements to build my immune system put money on and help my blood sugar level and to help me lose immensity. But two things that I KNOW have help...Tropical Traditions (look for it on the internet/quality health food stores) Virgin Coconut grease. My doc gave it to me! It's sooo strong plus it's antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and people clutch a tablespoon before respectively meal, contained by smoothies as a salad dressing and it curbs your cravings for sweets, makes you quality full faster. Here's a site with polite info and look at the menu to the left...bulk loss, fatigue...http://www.coconutdiet.com/index.htm... If you aren't TOO hormonally imblanced this may get you support in stripe.

Also...start learning in the order of what you're eating. You'd never know that margarine and canola grease mess with a females hormones! That's not biddable for us! I cook with olive or coconut grease now...Here's a site I found not long and it was a REAL eye introduction. It's got tentative articles everyday...www.newstarget.com and what's so cool about this guy, he's on our side. He get NO $$ whatsoever for what he writes. It's honest, it's truthful and realistic. He's get free ebooks on that site too. If you want to know how he got here...learn roughly HIS health problems and how he fixed them adjectives...got bad all the meds and is sooo stout now. www.healthranger.com. His cross is Mike Adams.

The other thing I want to show you is Iodine. http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=815.. This is one of the things my doc have me on and I started to read about it and found this Curezone.com group. I own started increasing my iodine (Iodoral in pill form, and lugol's in liquid form) and own noticed an increase in mass loss because of it. I also have instrument more energy the days I remember to run my Lugol's in fruit liquid. At the top of the page you can do a search around PCOS and you will find posts related to a FANTASIC site...all research etc. more or less how Iodine dissolves breast cancer and ovarian cysts. http://www.breastcancerchoices.org/... I have started to buy my Iodine from this site because it's partially the price from what my doc sells it for and it's helping a charity. I own rampant breast cancer in my family connections so I will be on it forever to prevent it! This site will show you the other supps you need to steal with it...near are only 3 or so.

Here's another article that conference about iodine curing PCOS. http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=8965...

And own you been to www.soulcysters.lattice? That's the place I started.THOUSANDS of women with PCOS discussion about their meds, their inbred remedies, their symptoms...it's just FASCINATING. Made me realize that even though my defence is severe...it can always be worse.


GOOD LUCK. ;) Hope this help you.

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