Should all abortion be unauthorized?

I was born and raise Mormon and feel that since it's the energy of the fetus we are talking just about we should let him grow up and next ask what he wants.

A lot of new young ladies speak, "let the woman settle on to kill the baby". But this is utterly ridiculous, as pregnant women are not contained by a mental state to make valid decisions.

Another invalid argument is that the child is only a fetus. Would it next be alright to stab a pregnant woman in the stomach? Of course not that would be lately as ludicrous.


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hell yes

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yes adjectives abortion should be illegal.. is that adjectives your asking?

No sex drive?

NO! I don't want anyone violating my rights and recounting me what I can or can't do with my own body!

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You know.we have the right to hold our opinions..and even to express them.What we dont enjoy the right to impose our will on others.This is another issue contained by which i feel we do not want our government to sort our personal choices for us.

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Yes 100% illegal. People own the right not to procreate...saying no is their right, not butchery the result of not standing up for the right to say no.

This might be a odd question, and TMI?

to answer your
a pregnant woman cannot make a wise decision? are you serious? that have got to be the dumbest statement ever made. haha.

Plastic surgery?

I totally agree! Abortion should be totally dishonest!

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This is where I hold to lines on this subject. While it is wrong to have an abortion and thieve the life of an innocent child. Which I totally do not agree next to it really pisses me off... However... I know theres a block... My Mom had a really firm time carrying children out of 5 I am her miracle baby she have to abort the other 4 cause she be getting really sick so if you cant carry them and or raped after yes I would say you would purely about hold to... Now if you f*ck around just for the hell of it and acquire pregnant then catch an abortion then all right your just a coward and should be using protection.. Your brain is your essence use it nation!

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yes abortion should be wrong! it is murder plain and simple. if you don't want to get pregnant don't hold sex, after all it beat burning in hell for all eternity. i'm so sick of audible range about rights! what roughly speaking the baby's rights?


I have always thought the abortion should be legal- even though I one-sidedly would never do it- because of certain circumstances for example rape. However, bottom file its murder and this never occured to me until someone I knew have an abortion. I was for some source so disgusted with her..even though I have always be pro-choice. She killed an innocent kid because she made the wrong decision! However, we enjoy to respect other peoples decsions, stupid or smart, we have to respect them. This topic is a tough one for me and I other switch sides so sorry if my answer is not very assertive!

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im pro-choice but not so that a woman uses abortion as a form of birth many women choose to verbs a pregnancy with no respect as to how they will provide and care for that infant..say for example an drug user who uses throughout thier pregnancy and the baby is taken away from her at the hospital...very soon that baby is withdrawling and have major brain that fair?

My insides hurt..?

Personally, I'm against abortion and I'm a woman. I'm adopt and I have AMAZING parents, but the certainty of the matter is I'm single here because my biological mother chose not to have an abortion. I ruminate other children should have a break at life too.

Ok term question..?

No because some women can not enjoy children and if they do they would risk their lives or there infant's lives so they would'nt want there little one to suffer just when they capture to the world.
But agian i do disagree with abortion because if yu trade name a baby only just by mistake you should keep your child and its your slate that you made the baby so you frontage the truth that you have a living human anyone being made inside of you and its yours and you should not blame anyone for your child would not be aware of well if you blame anyone for the mishap to some extent than that it would be better to rejoice in what you are making.

Ladies - birth control survey!?

"Missionary style" as a man your responsibility is to insist on using a condom and spermicide. That, raise your own children and not committing incest is your only business when it comes to a woman's finding on abortion.

If you can't trust a woman to make the right result on this issue, how can you trust her to raise a child.

Besides, whats near all the moral judgements? You get a lot of effrontery. Do your children, your Mom, call you "Missionary style"? ppsshhhh

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Abortion as a frivolity, a procedure sought for one's convenience--should be illegal--with sharply severe fines and prison sentences for all involved if done for such motivation.

Abortions for victims of violent rape crimes, those impregnate by their rapists--should be LEGAL. No rape victim should tolerate a life-time tie to the banal jackal savage who scar her life forever by rape or incest.

An reasonable alternative--soley by choice of the rape or incest victim--can be legal adoption, so to be gala to both pro-choice and/or pro-life advocates.


yes it should.

if you cannot angle it on your own then administer birth to it and place it up for adoption.

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I am a strong believer in this subject. I completely do not agree that just anyone should be capable of get an abortion. Obviously, in that are extenuating circumstances, so it shouldn't be completely outlawed. I only believe surrounded by it for severe health reason. Like the other answer said, people who hold multiple fetuses may have to brand name a choice to abort some to save the others. As it is today, too abundant women (and I know three from the same family) use abortion as a form of birth control. I don't strictness what rights they think are one infringed on. If you don't want to get pregnant, don't hold sex. Use protection or wait til you're married. Its daft that women are all on their elevated horses about "its my choice" sh*t! Choose to protect yourself or not enjoy sex. If youre too stupid to know how to prevent pregnancy, give the tot up for adoption, not murder it. It can feel, you know. Its not party to all of those empire who would love to have babies. They would with a smile adopt. Some women are just proverb "oh, well I dont' want a child right now." Tough. Accept your responsibilities and stop one a *. Cuz thats mostly who gets these things, or girls who's mommies and daddies dont' want anyone to know that their precious little girl is someone else's sex partner. Oh, and I be raped a few years ago and I was given the morning after pill. If I have gotten pregnant, I still dont' think I couldve abort the baby, but thats simply me. I just dont' imagine its right. One girl I know was out of stock to be married and they just "weren't in position, " so she had an abortion. She feel horrible after the fact, but you can't bring the little one back to vivacity. If you aren't ready to be a mother, dont' hold sex. There should be more sex education contained by schools, instead of them pretending that kids aren't have sex. Something to think roughly...what if a mother that was pregnant have an abortion...and that baby be the person who be going to find the cure for cancer?

What could happen when you are doing sex and your on your term?

It really seems in this day and age that there is no clear-cut right or wrong answer to this query. Mistakes are made by everyone, we are human after all, but abortion should never be used as a birth control method.
Instead of race spending so much time arguing about a woman's right to establish if she is ready to be a mother, we should be out near educating the young women and MEN of the world nearly proper ways to prevent unplanned pregnancies. The blame for unwanted pregnancies is not just that of the feminine like closely of men would like to believe.
As far as the statement "pregnant women are not surrounded by a mental state to make consistent decisions", as a mother of 3, how dare you. You have distinctly shown that you are a real sexist tremble.

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Yes 100% unauthorized

I have a a 22 year dated female and i hold what i'll just send for a sore right beside my right nipple

Woot woot! mormons! yeah! me too. Well, I think it is ridiculous to execute the fetus because you created it. If you're not responsible enough to not enjoy sex, well not "not" but you know what I indicate. okay well if your so irrisponsible that you have unprotected sex, then you should filch the baby into your hand...since he/she is already in you...ahh... I think you know whta I tight. like abortions suck!

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I am pro-choice, but I would never personally hold an abortion, or advise someone I know to hold an abortion. The only apology why I'm pro-choice is because I do not think the system should regulate women's bodies. The goverment will not know the horrible situations women face when they consider abortion.

Your comment just about pregnant women not being surrounded by a mental state to make reasonable decisions is without doubt offensive. Women may be have hormonal mood swings and the such, but they don't completely loose their moral grounds once pregnant! And of course it would not be alright to stab a pregnant woman within the stomach - YOU ARE STABBING A PERSON (two, if you count the baby)!

A huge problem with making abortion dishonest is -- who are you going to punish? Abortions will still happen, and probably surrounded by the same numbers (I believe that if women really get the impression that their situation calls for an abortion, they will do so however they can, officially recognized or not). Who will you punish when abortion is illegal? The woman, I'm sure, and probably the personality who performed the procedure (if near was another shindig involved). But after that, who do you blame? What if the woman was below a ton of pressure from family or the father to own an abortion? What if she actually didn't want to, and be forced? Is she still accountable? Will the family/father be punished too? What if her friend drove her to the place where on earth she had an abortion.. Is this soul a criminal too?

I also worry almost miscarriages. Miscarring is usually a horrible experience both mentally and physically for a woman to go through (especially if she be really excited about man pregnant). Is the government going to investigate EVERY miscariges? Is the political affairs really going to take the time to put out a full blown murder investigation to see if the miscarriage be accidental or intentional? Will after the government punish women they suspect that miscarriaged intentional because she have too much stress/physical exercise/whatever the reason?

It is only not possible.
Full, complete sex teaching is the best effort our world can craft to help use up unwanted pregnancies. Not the abstinence lone kind, actual sex nurture (it's been proven that parsimony is not as effective - states (typically red states) beside abstinence lone sex education own higher teen pregnancy rates than states next to a complete sex education program)

I agree beside the risk portion - I believe that if you are having sex, you should be geared up to deal beside the consequence of a baby. But consequently again, people don't resembling consequences in the first place. The family who ate McDonalds, got portly, and sued McDonalds are a perfect example (Although this is slightly debateable, see Supersize Me). Thousands of citizens fly on planes every day, but most of them aren't organized that the consequence could be they will die. People undergo surgery knowing the risks, but still will sue the doctors if something go wrong. All these are choices that millions of people bring in, hoping not to deal next to the consequences. That doesn't make sex right, but it isn't as unforced as saying "It's their fault". Abortions hold their consequences too.

And, in my judgment, abortions for medical reasons that threaten the mother's vigour should always be court.

Women who use abortions as birth control are just dumb. Abortions are hazordus to the woman's robustness, plus they can be expensive. They should go to a local clinic where on earth birth control would be offered to them low cost-to-zero cost and be responsible.

Sorry, it was long, but I don't suggest these points are often brought up within abortion debates. I hope someone in actuality reads it ::S

Miscarriage. I miscarried nearly 7 months ago.?

one negative aspect of forcing a woman to own a child she does not want, is there is no sure agency to know if the child will actually given up for adoption, own a good energy, or become a victim of child maltreat or neglect. Partial birth abortions should be vetoed!

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Okay, whoa! If a woman wishes to have an abortion consequently damnit, let her enjoy an abortion. She's not telling you not to be a Mormon, is she? It's her choice!

Secondly "Pregnant women are not contained by a mental state to make reasonable decisions" Are you out of your mind?

Yeah, a woman's hormones are all rushing in the order of when she's pregnant, but that doesn't mean that she can't produce rational decision. Pregnant women have one and the same mental capacity as anyone else.

Maybe YOU can't get rational decision because you're religious. You don't like that, do you?

Think previously you talk give or take a few things you don't understand.

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Its our bodies, our decree. I personally would never receive an abortion, but i recognize every womans right to establish for herself. And your argument "would it then be alright to stab a pregnant woman contained by the stomach?" is totally stupid. That wouldnt only hurt the fetus. it would hurt or gun down the mother. What makes you estimate pregnant women arent in the mental state to breed rational decision?

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