Whats a more comfortable cutesy nickname for your period?

My daughter just now started her period. When we sermon about it she say that she hates the word "period". She right to be heard's, "Mom can't you find a more suttle word for what i'm going through?" I don't really see what the big deal is but if she feel more comfortible calling it something else, i'm all ears. Any ideas ladies? Caution, she is solitary eleven so no inappropriate suggestions please.

Why do womens' mentrual period come at the same time when they spend deeply of time together?

I make my mom refer to it as
I'm 13..

Or, close to Cher said in the movie "Clueless" "Riding the Crimson Wave?"

After your First ever Period how long does it embezzle for the next one.?

how roughly speaking Rosie?

What is morning pills?

ok so me and my friend call it Tom, it stands for time of month

What is my problem if I hang on to bleeding my breaks and air is other seem to be coming in/?

Aunt Flo!! (how original)

Tips to remember to transport my birth control while in Europe?

Ive get one that I use every once in awhile to this daytime.....and Im almost 22!
"Girlie time"
ex: Where are my sweat pants and that cheesecake I know is lurking around here? Girlie time come today.

Help what is wrong with me?

i've get a friend who calls it "Aunt Flo" lol

I have sex 4 days ago n my period come early?

Aunt Flo is visiting
Or, "I'm a bit straitlaced this week"

This is guna sound so stupid but time?

I didn't have an actual moniker like what the previous poster suggested for mine. My mom and I call it my "customary thing". Then later I sometimes call it my "monthly".

Why Dose having a spell make your stomach hurt so much as I'm within agony please help me?

"That time of the month" is really annoying... so a moment ago have a code entitle for it, like: "My grandma's surrounded by town!" That way when she have her period, she can say aloud: "Mom, grandma is in town" and won't enjoy to go through truism period or anything.

A really funny way to say aloud it was within the movie Clueless, where Cher say: "I was totally riding the crimson tide!" To her male trainer. Cute!

False Symptoms?

Me and my friends say "Dot". (Period, bring back it? Haha) =0)


that word is very discomfited to say. a short time ago like sex or tampon is too. i telephone call it my 'feeling' and i call for tampax X's and pads P's. so when you ask her, you should vote, 'do you need any x's or p's from the store?' that will cause the situation much more comfortable.

Birth control effectiveness?

Rag, red, bleeding, time of the month, PPMS, redwinging it, flowing or, you could other call it "cuddles".

Has anyone else?

'AUNT FLOOW.' 'Big P'. 'Ketchup'.

I'm taking a sex ed class, whatam i to expect?!?

your " time on the month"

Odd vaginal fancy?

My girlfriends and I refer to it as "Aunt Flow", as in "I can't shift swimming today because Aunt Flow is visiting."

If i attain my period this month I wont go and get it for the next two months?

Menses is one I've hear. Female's Monthly friend, cycle, monthly visitor...things similar to that. I also had a friend that used to telephone her sanitary napkins and tampons 'paper' to her friends. Like "Do you own any paper I can own? I've been taking a LOT of transcription today."

Spotting 2 weeks before extent worried?

I have a French friend who say 'Ma cul est dans les fraises'.

It means 'my *ss is contained by strawberries'. I always infer that is a extremely sweet way of putting it.

I am wondering what happen when a female doesen,t enjoy sex for 7years?

Periodic table?

Body hair on women?

I give the name it my monthly friend/visitor lol

SEX!The past couple of times my boyfriend have sex, I bled from my vagina?

some people hail as it there friend , some woman i know calls it her aunt suzie,

Ladies, what do you prefer?

My husband refers to it as "leaking". I use that sometimes but other times I send for it Mother Nature.

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