Ok... Gurl thang!?

ok this is the thing...im 16 almost 17 its june almost july and i havent have my period since february or motorcade i believe.. and my mom keeps wise saying that oh maybe its POD or something but dude im a virgin.. and i know adjectives this stuff about teens are irregular at times.. but when it uncommonly does come its like a sooner or later period simply... this had happen to me since the past 3 years merely had it aobut 5 times per year... im starting to capture nervous... please relief!!

Sick need give support to?

There are a lot of reason for this. I have pcos, so I hold very irregular, or even non existent period. Wight and stress could also be an issue. Birth control will help you regulate your period. See a doctor, to rule out any other problems.

My Butt measure 39 inches and I'm a size 7-9. But I perceive my butt is flat. Do u think it's okay?I want it BIGER

if your on birth control thats what it is...

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I was approaching that when I was your age and it drove me crazy because I could never plan it. I finally go on birth control to help regulate my period.

Do all virgins bleed the first time they hold sex?

could be a weight point, but go to some other doctor, simply to get a second judgment

Physically, what excites and arouses you?

Weight issue, for sure.

You should try starving yourself, or adjectives back on refried beans.

I am have PMS and I just STOPPED my time of year over one week ago.?

Any stress? Stress can change your body and how it functions.

Can a girl own a yeast infection if she doesn't even have a time of year?

Since you're sure you're not pregnant, you could just be one of those women who enjoy irregular periods. It's not necessarily a impossible or unhealthy item, but you should listen carefully to your doctors. What sort of "pills" did they suggest for you?

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It is usually from individual underweight or a change surrounded by your diet. Maybe you should read into the pills more and try them.

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the pills will regulate your period.. y is your mother against them? anyone overweight shouldnt affect your period unless you gain it all the sudden or lose it realy rushed.. stress can be a factor..

Is okey on your period?

The pills can sustain..remind your Mom that just because you r on the pill doesn't tight-fisted you have to be sexually stirring!! Maybe you and your Mom should go put a bet on and talk to your Doctor some more going on for everything!! good luck!!

My body think I'm pregnant, but I'm not?

maybe you do not have plenty blood, you must eat more vegetables and livers so you can produce more blood, and at your tender age possibly you are not fully mature, I dont really reflect it is much of a problem right now, but I know that birth control will regulate it, but if you are not have sex there is no stipulation to take that, its best if you receive a second doctor opinion.

What could occur if?

Your mom should let you shift on the birth control - it will regulate your periods. If she will not allow it, tell to your doctor about other (natural) ways to match your cycle. Or, you can come to peace with man irregular.

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I was close to that once I didn't have my cycle for 10 months and my mother kept asking me if I'm pregnant when clearly I am a virgin. This happen when you get your cycle rash or when your hormones are unbalanced. Cut out antibiotic bursting foods and go on the pill. The pill will not kind you gain weight within fact it can hold the opposite effect if you save an active lifestyle. Go to a gyn and own them convince your mom this is serious.

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i think it is the immensity issue. i saw it in a magazine once. if u are too overweight, u can even lose ur length, try going on diet, eating right, and excersising.

Will it completly stop?

im pretty shure its a counterbalance thing. ive be both under cargo and over weight and both cause my period to become irregular. do some more exercise than you in general do and it should sort out the problem :)

How young can a girl start puberty?

Periods are crazy until you're within your twenties!!
It's totally common for them to be irregular, don't stress out over it.

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