Period problem...?

i havent started my period since febuary im 15...its be about 1 1/2 year since ive starteed my time and ever since i dodnt start my period every month i start it mostly every 2-3 months but this time im sympathetic getting worried and no im not pregnant


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Cycles usually tend to run irregular when you first start to menstruate.
I would talk next to your female relatives (mom, sister or aunt) & see what is ordinary for your family. Sometimes loosing shipment can disturb your cycle, female athletes lose their cycle when competing. If this continues, you involve to make an apt. near your doc. & get checked-out.

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i think you should see a doctor and see what is going on

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Talk near your mom about it. You may requirement to go to the gyno and grasp on birth control. It will regulate and stabalize your period.

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Women's cycles can be really crazy, and it doesnt always aim there is something wrong beside you. For the first few years I had it, I would gain it sometimes every other month. If you are really worried, ask your mom (older sister, whoever) to take you to the gynocologist. She will competent to tell if its a problem or not, perchance even put you on birth control to regualte it (so you know when you will get your extent, and get it once a month). I wouldnt be too worried, but if it make you feel better, turn to the doc's...Good Luck

I am 10 days delayed from my period. i took my pills already to prevent pregnancy, will it facilitate?

u need to progress to the dr. they probably need to regulate your interval and sometimes they do that by using birth control pills.

Is This NORMAL??

you have no inevitability to worry, your time of year is controlled by hormones produced by many different glands but here is the bare bones, the hypothalamus signals the pituitary which signals your ovaries which secrets more hormones to regulate the travels of the uterus, now these are some of the things which can affect these processes diet, stress, emotion, physical activity, infections, malady, medications hope your getting the picture, and it is exceedingly common to own irregular periods through out your teen years, if this is to great a concern later schedule an appointment beside a gyno who can give you b/c to stability your hormones and thus regulate your period, hope this help!

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it could be normal or probably your underweight..period happen individual if you meet the run of the mill weight for your body. If you're neither pregnant nor underweight, the best piece i can suggest is for you to go to a doctor. There might be something wrong beside your systems.=p

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