Why is it everytime my wife and i enjoy sex, her tummy aches on the lower bit?

it happen thrice

Are jeans suppost to fold beneath the butt cheek?

see ob gyne... she'll undergone some test to detect on whats wrong next to her

Wat happens when u obtain fingered .. ?

she could have an infection, she could enjoy high hormone level causing pain, maybe you are too rough next to her, take her to a material gynocologist and find out what is going on with her.

Random period?

is she pregnant? i'm pregnant and intercourse causes my uterus to contract.

When i be a kid,one of my intestines went within the other.Now i am having pains in my stomache,can it be that?

you might be hitting her cervix this happen to me alot try changing your position this should stop the problem.

I am not sure am i right or not ?have need of some advice from women please?

Speaking from experience, go and get it checked by a gynecologist because with my wife they suspected ovarian cancer. It could be a problem near her cervix, or you're just hitting her cervix during sex.

Is something wrong near me? Please help.?

It could be a cyst on her ovaries which is run of the mill but can be painful during sex. They usually walk away on their own after awhile. She should go see her Obgyn.

Someone anwser plz?

Could be fibroids, cervical cancer, you could be hitting her cervix, etc. GO TO THE DR!

Newly married.making loveHolyKr*P.Help?

It could be a cyst on her ovaries . or could be a wet bag. its run of the mill. plz dont push it all the mode in. its more fun to offer a little.

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I'm not being snide or trying to be lewd here, but does she come?

If I have sex and don't come, or don't come completely, sometimes it ache there. I've hear other women say this too.

Kegel exercises can assistance relieve the ache. This mode intentionally contracting the vagina, like you be trying to stop the flow while urinating. Don't hold the contractions, but do several of them. I think it redistribute the body fluids that build up during sex, which is what an orgasm does. But an orgasm is a lot more fun! (Sorry, couldn't resist!)

I give attention to it makes sense to check out the possibility of a medical problem, too.

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