For married women Do you still use condoms or do you use the pill?


Please help i asked a press a while ago about condoms individual used after the expiry date i have taken 3?

condoms. because ego we decide on a tot its easier to just stop using a condom than stop the pill and hold your hormones all screwy

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Birth control Pill.

I got my spell a few days earlier than usual, what could that be from?

I use the pill. After our second child I get my tubes tied so we don't have to verbs about protection. But, it be easier for both of us for me to use the pill at first.

D&C three months ago and still bleeding is this normal?

the pill, we both abominate condoms

Sex pain beside an iud?

well condoms for now the pill did discouraging things to me. We arent ready for babies even so.

My (not) period?

Use both. There's adequate people within the world... help control the population.

Does self at the gyno tickle? Coz he is touchin down there i am goin 4 da first time n i dont wanna gurgle!?

It depends on the moment. ....But no pill very unsafe form wise.

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nothing have a hysterectomy. yeaaaaa no more children.... And when it comes to the end for the rest of you. update that weasle man to get fixed.

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I own been using the pill. I use the smaller number hormonal version of Seasonale. it is call seasonique and it has smaller amount hormones but is just as significant. The great thing give or take a few this is that you only own a period once every season (3 months) and it still solely lasts 5 days!

I'm swollen down 'at hand'?

My wife uses an IUD, it works great, no side effects at all, look into it...

Yeast infection? Help!?

I don't use any because the pill is unnatural and potentially dangerous and condoms basically don't feel right. I grain like condoms are for strangers/boyfriends, not husbands.
The just way that my husband and I prevent pregnancy is by using a basal thermometer and fluid checking(awareness).

Does bmac know that he (she) sounds similar to a wise**s?

nothing we arent afraid to get pregnant within fact we want to procure pregnant when he gets wager on off his deployment

Heavy period?

condoms are lousy...the pill has side effects..I suggest and IUD..intra uterine device...your gynecologist places it and you don't hold to worry...and when you want to achieve pregnant it's removed...

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Condoms. I generally repugnance them, but we found a good one that in actuality stays on. They're called Kimono. Can't embezzle BC pills due to an allergy. Tried the IUD with horrible side effects. My man will promising get a vasectomy. It's easier, smaller quantity painful, quicker, and literally is a 15 minute laser procedure at the present time. Makes MUCH more sense than a tubal ligation. They are entail foremost surgery.

I had sex?

Most ancestors once they're married use the pill. Condoms are the oldest form of birth control and were not hugely satisfactory instrument back when. If for some explanation the wife can't take birth control pills or use one of the other hormonal methods (norplant, depo-provera or luna ring) or an IUD, a couple might opt for condoms.

Condoms are not super-effective in preventing pregnancy--my mom have five children. So sometimes I wonder why anyone would count on them for preventing sexually transmitted diseases. If your spouse is playing around these days it's extraordinarily scary. You could receive aids and not even know it.

If I slipped up with my birth control?

I'm a doctor and I chose the pill. It is much more successful, and it reduces risk of endometrial cancer. Condoms are so hurtful, IMHO. After your kids are born, go for the vasectomy. It is HIS turn to pilfer the birth control hit for once, and it is much safer of an operation than the tubal ligation. Don't choose the pill if you are a smoker, are very obese, or enjoy a history of blood clots. Stop the pill around late 30s, it is smaller amount safe within older women. But the choice is yours, weigh the pros and cons for you as an individual. Your insurance may cover the pill, manifestly won't cover condoms, LOL.

And what is PMS?

I'm on the pill. Neither of us like condoms.

I am going to Florida and I wanna own good time and savour the beach!?

I be using condoms but now we are using Mirena IUD.......never thought I would ever consider getting something similar to the IUD but I honestly love having it. Sure beat condoms!!

Do women really have their extent for 6 weeks after giving birth?

I am on yaz. We both dislike using condoms.

Too hot to stay this way.?

Have him grasp fixed.

What do women prefer, circumcision or normal, and why?

I used a condom from 12 years. we didn't want adjectives those side effects or crzy hormone changes beside bc

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