
is it normal for girls to own hair on the belly ? i saw my bff at the shore with SLIGHTLY more than peach fuzz on her belly

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Completely and totally normal.



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... not really more than peach fuzz -- unless she shaved it at one point, in which baggage ... it grows thick and course approaching armpit or leg hair.

Ladies individual please! advice needed?

yes it's usual but a lot of girls shave it

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Yeah, it's if truth be told cute if it is a treasure trail. If it is all furry like Austin Power. NASTY.

No woman should miss this message?

All ethnic group have spike on their stomachs to different degrees. In the United States, body fuzz wasn't a big deal until after WWI.

When the American Soldiers be away in Europe, they slept beside French prostitutes who shaved their legs, privates and armpits to reduce the instance of crab lice.

When the soldiers returned home, they insisted that their girlfriends and wives start shaving because this have been a turn-on for the soldiers.

The companies that sold razor were thrilled next to this idea because it intended they could sell razor to both men and women, not just men. They be happy to double their profits, so public relations campaigns started popping up to let somebody know women that they had to stay "silky smooth." That's where on earth we still are today.

I just feel it's funny that every girl who obsesses over shaving is in fact just copying French prostitutes near venereal disease.

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yes but the usually shave it sour

How much taller do you think I am gonna grow?

quite average i would say.. u enjoy to see females from back home - where on earth i come from (no offense ladies) .. so it is normal, but defently not markedly pleasing !

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Hair anywhere is middle-of-the-road. Some people own darker mane. If you think your "bff" looks irregular, tell her give or take a few it and maybe let somebody know her to bleach it (which is what I do) or shave it (I don't recommend this because it will grow back even darker).

If she's really your "bff", you should know how to talk to her nearly it.

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