What cause abnormal period?


Usually my period last around 4 days and the first 2 days are really heavy!! And they enjoy been regular for times gone by few months! But this month my period come a week early environment lasted a complete 7 days but wasn't that heavy as it usually is!

Also, is a longer length better than a shorter one?


A period grill, help?

Every one is different and in that is no set answer. Sometimes it is to do with your age, occasionally a medical condition which will probably respond to treatment.

Our bodies respond to stress, and a rework in the cycle is normally to do with stress - it would assistance to address the cause of any stress, and to swot to relax and soothe yourself.

I would need to ask question to help you infer this more, and I suggest that you might want to get some more info on period - tap it into Google, or do some reading.

If you are worried, travel and see your doctor, as they are the experts.

Try not to worry as lots women have change in their period.

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shorter periods are better...girls of our age group have WAY too oodles periods
the irregular period may be caused by stress or unusual physical exercise (working out when you usually don't)

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hormonal inconsistency is the main wreak of irregular periods and it is best to consult a gynaco
pls dont recklessness

I need relieve please?

Periods can change as you capture older. Things similar to a change within diet, more exercise, an illness etc. can adjectives affect your periods too, it is not exceptional. Mine used to last for 7 days and be really substantial. Now I can time them coming on to the day and they solitary last 3 or 4 days and are reasonably light. Im sure you are fine, if unsure though see your GP or gynaecologist.

Who is the female name cougar and does she look like.?

dosnt event, your body just have not settled down yet but.......irregular periods can be cause buy...
bad diet
coming bad the pill or injection
illness or

Question almost condoms?

Genetics are always piece of the why we have the type of period we have and all along time. Also if you have be sick with even a slight cold, or underneath a type of stress you will have 'rotten month' periods. I don't conjecture it means anything if they are longer or shorter as you return with older they will adapt and vary, too.

What do you reflect on?

period depends on nutricion and hormones and drugs that we took the last days, even stress can do problems.
Also every couple of years we notice some abnormality contained by our period i.e. because we enter into a different stage of grouth.
In your question whether it is a righteous thing to enjoy a short or long period....it's equal. Some have 5-7 days spell, others 2-3 days...it's normal

Why are empire so ignorantly rude?

medical reasons

I need professional hellp?hhttyyt?

stress,fibroids,hormone discrepancy,change of energy,diet changes adjectives of these can change your menstrual cycle

IS THIS BAD OR GOOD? please read.?

It could be Aspartame Poisoning. Are you on Diet croak?

Bleeding after orgasm?

outside of serious strength reasons...........diet and stress.

What cause my girl friend to discharge excessively (like urinating) during intercourse?

I have like problem - in october i bled adjectives month! Dont worry going on for it, the doctor told me it could be down to stress, or just if your opinion a bit low or ill. Your period are affected by almost everything - your strength, moods, weight. Your period can stop alltogether if your too light.

I wouldnt verbs about them at adjectives - they'll sort themselves out

How doo people exatcly acquire stressed?

longer periods are ANNOYiNG !! once, i have a REALLY HEAVY flow that last 14 days !! stress could effect this, or maybe it`s because you lately started your period, it could be peculiar for the first 1 - 3 years because your body is getting used to it. shorter periods are better logically, but as for me, shorter periods parsimonious heavier flows, longer periods denote lighter flows. it sucks !

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