I dont believe it!?

one of my girlfrends just go to the gyno. she tells me that since she is on psych meds, she is bipolar, the gyno said she cannot turn on birth control because it wont work. i have never hear of anything like this. Is this true?? if this is true, what form of birth control is she going to use besides condoms? i truly hope that 'this' gyno is inaccurate, and doesn't know what she is conversation about. it seem sad near all the forms of birth control pills on the flea market, and my friend wont be able to use them ~ sounds open-handed of crazy... and what if my friend has be with her significant other and doesn't want to use a condom. what is she vanished with after? you can only transport the day after pills for so long. is her gyno for material or she is uncaring, doesn't prudence and needs to seize a new gyno. seem very weird and wonderful!

Under active thyroid?

i enjoy neve heard of such flattery! my best friend's cousin is bipolar and she's been on birth control for years! her gyno is fucked up, seriously.she's fucked up. she honestly requests to get a current one.


she's fucked up

Question regarding breasts..ladies one and only?

I am sorry to say the gynecologist is right and you are wrong. Many of those psychotic medication do not work well
with b/c pills. If you Google the identify of the medication your friend uses and read the side effects you might discover that the gynecologist is very civilized and very chary too. Don't advise your friends on things you do any not know or are not informed enough.

Breast robustness question?

Some medication do interact with hormonal birth control. She can use other boundary marker methods, such as a diaphragms, caps, or shields if she is within a committed relationship and doesn't want to use condoms. An IUD is another birth control option that won't interact near the meds. The doctor knows around the drugs and interactions they may cause, so she must trust him on this.

Im producing milk and im not even pregnant?!!?

Some antipsychotic medicine really and truly do affect the pill so that it is not effective. Condoms are a right alternative, as is the fertility awareness method. That's what I do, and I've been fine for years.

Is it unusual for girls to bring their periods behind schedule? I knowfor sure I am not pregnant.?

I know this is very possible. A fellow student who be on birth control was unconscious that drinking large amounts of tea will inhibit the birth control she be taking, and she became pregnant. Only subsequent, when she took a biochemistry class, did she learn something like this. Advise your friend to look at different types of birth control, and all of the possible things things that affect it.

Teen sexual fascination?

its very ture, my friend have had matching problem. she is as crazy as they come and hates kids

Plz,relieve,I'm fed up of this notion!?

If you're not bipolar taking psyche meds and sleeping with your boyfriend, why do you imagine *you'd* hear about it?
I'm almost tempt to laugh at your outrage-- how dare a human being have to use condoms if she doesn't want to! How dare nearby not be drugs that don't effect other drugs!
If she wants a second assessment, she can talk to another doctor and consequently call every pharmacist within town to ask about drug interactions.

Sexual Appetite, What is considered strange?

its got zilch to do with that specific gynocologist. if you can't hold those drugs together, you cant take those drugs together. possibly she could ask her pychotheapist or her gynocologist for suggestions next time she go.

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