My time helppp??????????

the doctor gave me some tablets to stop my period 4 a while and ive already taken 3 but immediately im bleeding because i was due to come on anyway should i keep takin them and will my term stop if i keep takin them?
sorry ive already asked this question but needed some more answers there called northisterone

Answers:    Progesterone (Northisterone) is largely taken to defer a period, some women find it's not that effective and still bleed. This can be adjectives. Continue taking it, it should stop or you may find the bleeding will continue. There is nothing else you can do at this juncture in connection with it..
Continue taking it you may stop you may not but bleeding is common on northisterone. If your worried you can go subsidise to your doctor and ask if they can do anything for you, which they should be able to but my advice at the moment is verbs taking the rest if you dont stop by the end of taking them, i would go and see your doctor within order to put your mind at rest further. But it is totally normal to own bleeding on this medication.
Hope i helped
You are meant to appropriate tablets like this a week before you start your time
If you have taken three and you are still on i would recomend not taking them and going to see your GP again to get recommend. That happened to me. Go back to your docs and take a different pill, that one doesn't work for you..
im not sure with that one i say contact your doctor and askk.. the tablets havent worked you can go and get a different meds

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