I am a 12 year old girl and I have a question.?

I own this gooey whitish stuff contained by the bottem of my underwear. It sometimes have some lite brown but it stinks really doomed to failure!
This isn't my term is it, or could it be the pre-period?


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I suggest u hold ur term mines be brown at first too ask ur mom .the clearish stuff comes b4 and after u own ur interval.Ask ur mom or check a doctor .But I suggest you call round a doctor u probably hold an infection so ask ur mom to pocket u meanwhile drink lotsa sea it may give a hand but win to the doctor at ASAP cuz u don't wanna humiliate what make us a girl,it could be remarkably risky.

The clearish stuff is call mucus it help to verbs the walls of ur vagina .Almost all teens n women hold vaginal discharge.It may be white, pale, clear, stretchy, or sticky. It may be within on some days and not on others, some women see it day after day. Usually Normal discharge looks a bit similar to egg white - a clear or off-white sticky goo. When it dries regular discharge can turn a light-yellow color, so it’s usual to find a yellowy stain in your panties.
Also It also act as a lubricant during sexual intercourse.Before or after ur interval folks hold an increase here discharge depending on your household milieu and diet and you as an individual one get any a high-ranking or low discharge. hold a lofty discharge. Its okay lately drink marine so tht is diluted so it won't hold

I freshly have a breast augmentation HELP!?

sounds approaching you could be starting your spell

My vagina seem a lil different?

that brown entry relly stinks i know SO SOON YOU WILL GET YOUR PERIOD LOL HOPE YOU EXCITED

Why do I still own spots at 27 years outmoded?

It is a pre-period symptom

I am deeply worried just about my interval!!???

Please agree next to your mother. Then gain her to cause an appointment near your physician.

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The brown stuff could indeed be the start of your time. If the discharge smells though later you want to see a doc only just to be sure you don't enjoy an infection. Have your mom form you an appointment first piece on Monday.

on the pharse "pop cherry" does anything in truth pop?

Its brown discharge. You gain discharge more or less 6 months to a year in the past your length. Don't verbs its middle-of-the-road.

Im three days overdue for my time, So here I told everyone i thought I could be pregnant,?

you're almost to procure your spell. if it starts getting abundantly more wear a pantiliner.

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That sounds close to discharge. Discharge is your vagina's method of self-cleaning itself. It's completely untaught. It should enjoy somewhat of a wishy-washy smell to it, but if it starts to smell approaching Fish consequently you involve to hold it checked out by a doctor. Getting discharge is a constituent of puberty, your extent will at full tilt come soon if it hasn't already.

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have u started your length

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I'm gonna be 12 on January..and I devise it's vaginal discharge and that brown stuff item.

Breast aumentation?

That is discharge, but if it is smelly you should see your doctor! You could hold an infection!

Gilrs lone length trubles?

No obligation for doctors or anything drastic! It's only just regular! It tell you that you will start your time of year soon, but even after your time of year you might hold it. It's nil really big to verbs more or less.
It's adjectives portion of our wonderful character :)

Women solitary?

If it smells really bad(does it smell fishy?) , it sounds similar to you enjoy a yeast infection. I would put in the picture your mom. She can buy you medication to treat it. If in attendance be no smell, I would right to be heard that it is everyday discharge, indicating your extent is nearly to come.
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