Weird period this month?

My period be a bit odd this month, It be not late at adjectives or anything but I had extrmely cloying bleeding and so many glutinous blood clots (sorry if its graphic) Blood clots are not normal for me, I never ever have them before. Also I do bleed sturdy the first three days, but it was so desperate this month that in 45 minutes my entire wad was soaked through, This is also extraordinary for me because usually the first day one wipe is good ample, this month it was three within one day. Also I feel extremely dizzy and I felt awfully nauseous, and the cramps be unbelievable. The blood clots be also so thick. Could I own possibly miscarriaged? I only have sex once in pageant, and it was protected. Im really confused.

What are signs that you are pregnant?

First sour. Everyone has different period. Second when your set in a cut-out you normally stay that method unless you have something in your duration that has changed. Stress, wt gain, etc. Third, you could enjoy had a miscarriage. If the bleeding continues after I would go to the ER or see a relations doctor. The protection could have have a whole contained by it. Birth control is not 100% accurate. Hope this helped!


go to the doctor! you could hemorrhage and loose too much blood. if it's really trunk and you're unsure i guess go to the ER?

when surrounded by doubt, see a doctor!

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I have lots of blood clots on my term and really painful cramps, [sometimes so impossible i'm doubling up on the floor..] .
I guess you could have internal bleeding, but you should drink plenty of fluid such as mineral dampen, or purified water and cranberry liquid {a urinary antiseptic, good for bladder} as this could backing your vagina function properly!!
Hope everything goes okay!


I importantly doubt that you miscarried. I have completely heavy term like that almost every time. It's simply the body naturally cleansing itself.

Pcos and facial mane?

do to the DOCTOR! that is totaly not regular. don't dsit around waiting for our answers!

go to the ER soon.

Girls single?

I don't know that I would go straight to miscarriage. I am prone to hold a period close to that every few months. It seems to me that some months I enjoy a sort of house cleaning. As long as you stop okay I'd just consider it a fluke and possibly mention it at your next check up.
Be sure to be extra vigilant with protection this coming month. Since your uterus facing is probably thinned out a lot in a minute, you can implant closely easier. That is how we got a son :)

Also, product sure you eat some red meat or pocket extra iron. It is easy to find anemic when you bleed like that. If you are still bleeding like mad then put your foot up and call your nurse. You might hold also had a cyst rupture and obligation to be check out. It isn't always serious, but can be

Mucinex and unusual signs?

i saw on a movie once where the condom slipped sour or the guy may not have put it on and you probaly did but you may be sick i did that and i NEVER have sex and i went to the DR. and she give me birth control and it has help with the bleeding and CRAMPS ARE GONE

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