Plz,back,I'm fed up of this foreboding!?

before having my time by about one week i be aware of so bad..unbalanced..unstable.. depressed.
what should i do to take rid of these feelings?..I know it's everyday..but plz,try to help...?

What is the recommended day by day intake of calcium for a woman between 30 & 40 yrs old?

see a doctor

My 8 year antediluvian girl mistakengly took microlut oral contraceptives about 4 tablets. ANy doomed to failure consequences?

I get this too. i find for a time chocolate and sometimes st johns wort, if you're able to lift it. Wort is a natural anti depressant but must be taken scarcely. Alternativley go out beside your mates, hold a laugh, if you quality sad roll with laughter and talk in the region of it.

When u take The Pill..?

There really isn't much you can do. Just try to save your mind clear of the things that make you upset, and be aware of this way. Try to concentrate on happyt hings.

Embarassing stories?

Exercise.Increases heart rate,blood flow,your length passes quicker,it's heavier,but quicker and it stablizes your hormones a bit more.Add that to your first response and you should be better.

I ruminate i be prego even though i have an IUD,please oblige!?

see a doctor and see if they can prescibe you something for the depression..even if its only for that week!!

My term was on april 19th and hold had unprotected sex since next,today i noticed some spotting any notion.?

Definitely exercise; doesn't have to be a big matter - go for a stride or bike ride, fly a kite, go bowling, clutch a hike, rollerblading - anything that get you moving. If you like tea, try a PMS tea - profoundly of grocery stores carry them very soon, or you can find them at health food stores.

What can lead to cramps in the lower abdimal nouns?

you need to see a doctor. I experience impossible to tell apart issues the week before. It is adjectives about the hormones. You may entail to goby the side of an anti-depressant, I did it helps

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