Using a tampon..?

I can't find the hole. :[ Seriously, I need give a hand. I found one hole, then when it be SORT of in, [a little cotton be sticking out] everytime I sat, it hurt. Help me. :[

Do most girls shave their vagina( i tight-fisted all of the mane off ) or do they a short time ago shave the bikini line?

Maybe a tampon is not for you right very soon. Try using a sanitary napkin, there are several different kind that may be of use for you. There are even some with "wings" on them immediately that help prevent leak. If it hurts then that make it not worth using. good Luck.

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That is the correct hole. You may need to sit or stand contained by a different position and use some KY jelly to help you insert it adjectives the way. You should not be capable of feel the tampon once it is adjectives the way surrounded by.

Here is a good website.

Also, if you discern comfortable ask a femal relative like your mom, aunt, or sister for abet.

Putting in tampons?

its easier if you open you legs all-embracing, and relax when you put it in. Make sure you get it in weighty enough coz if you don't the cotton will stick out. Its not supose to stick out. It take time getting use to. Use the smaller sized tampons first or the plastics ones. They slide in easier. =]
good luck!

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Maybe you should look at this website:
I really hopes this helps. At first, it is drastically umcomfortable.It takes a couple of times to attain it iright. If it hurts, it's usually a signs that it is not inserted correctly. Girlie, please look over the instructions on the box or in the pamplet. It can help you out. If you enjoy an older sister possibly ask her.

I`m 5`5 and a half inches,and currently weigh 122 lbs,is this a hygienic weight for me?

its probably lead to you a virgin an this your first time using a tampoon

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you did not have it contained by far enough. Try using the Tampax Pearl Plastic. Take a insightful breath and relax. It takes practice. Either sit on the toilet near your knees apart or squat slightly.Hold the outer tube by the finger grip. Insert the tampon in at a 45 degree angel. sort sure the outer tube is all the means of access in until your fingers touch your vagina. Make sure the string in on the outside of you

What could this be?

oo hun u jus hav to kinda grain around, even though it sound rly strange. if it hurts wen u sit down its prob the wrong hole, but it may be the rite hole and ur just not pushin it in far satisfactory. all u can do is try again till it feel rite. sry. GL! = )

Cramp question?

First time using tampon can be kinda difficult to switch on with. I suggest using the ones near a plastic applicator versus cardboard, plastic are easier to slid in. first of adjectives you need to relax. Hold the plastic applicator at the ridges, and run a deep breath and thoughtfully slide it in, if you draw together resistance, just be lenient and relax. you will know that the tampon is in completely when your fingers touch your vaginal first performance, then kind-heartedly push the small end of the applicator so that the tampon go in, and relax. very soon you pull out the plastic applicator, throw it away,and kindly tug the string to make sure it is surrounded by place.but don't pull the tampon out...oh yeah, but first b4 doing adjectives this...pull the string on the tampon to spawn sure it is secure b4 inserting it.because if the string comes come out while the tampon is in, it is markedly hard to remove from vagina.

Is it ok for my breast to still be strong after i stopped breastfeeding about a week ago?

you didnt push it contained by far enough the solitary thing that should be limp out is the string

What is this? help!?

The tampon wasnt within all the route i had to read the directions resembling 5 times till i got the damn piece in

I involve help..plz abet!?

Had the same problem until I lost my virginity.

My friend used Tampax Regular Slender formerly she lost hers, and Lite's were OK too.

My suggestion is alike as my mothers was to me adjectives those years ago: Don't try again until you're on your heaviest part of your cycle. The fluid make it easier to slide it up inside of you.

Also, try squatting over a mirror.

My wife never wants sex any longer. This is due to some medication that she's on. I'm roughly to die! Advice?

You're in the right spot, it basically takes some relaxation and some practice.

What are sign's of getting your length? and if you have these signs afterwards when will it come?

you got it contained by the right hole, but it needs to dance further in. Not putting it in far plenty is the most common mistake.

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You hold 3 holes down there. it's the one contained by the middle. One is your butthole.the middle is your hootiehole.the very front is the one that you pee out of and if you be to stick anything in there it would hurt really unpromising. So...go for the middle and you will be fine.

What is up near the sizes of female clothing?

It take practice trust me. Dont worry you get it!

Why does my stomach swell up the week before my time?

yeah, just try again, and if it wont budge in adjectives the way, any re-aply it, find smaller tampons, or just use pad. i hate tampons.

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