Sex request for information?

my friend just lost her virginity next to her bf four days ago. but after that, she experiences really frequent urination (w/o drinking anything) and often near blood smears in it. she's done near her menstruation so we know that the blood might've come from the pain she's sense inside her vagina. we think her bf have damaged her vaginal wall that's why she said it hurts whenever she urinates. the put somebody through the mill is how come she urinates so much? i mean "so much" as surrounded by every few minutes, she needs to progress to the bathroom. she hadn't drank anything, and we suspect she might be pregnant because they didn't use any protection. are the frequent urination and the possibility of pregnancy connected? if not, how come she urinates so much? or could she hold caught some disease from her bf (who's not a virgin anymore even before that and is a drug user and alcoholic)? can someone explain the situation to me/us? thanks.


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Sounds like she any has a urinary tract infection and/or an STD. She wants to get to the doctor to take a proper diagnosis and treatment. Make sure she tells the doctor that she have unprotected sex with a elevated risk individual so she gets every STD question paper, including HIV. And next time she have sex she should make sure the guy uses a condom.

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She has a bladder infection or UTI . This happen often after intercourse and she requirements to see a doctor to get some antibiotices to treat the infection, no home remedies, TRUE antibiotics only.

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I spent more time at the doc next to bladder infections & irritations when i was married than I exactness to count!
It comes with the kingdom! Happy you gave up the most precious point you owed now?
That guy will break up next to her or leave soon,I will bet!

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What a fucted up agency to start. Drug addict? Alcoholic? stay away from that guy.
She probably get a urinary tract infection that could lead to a kidney infection. Go to a clinic asap and bring back it checked out. Never do it without a condom. Girls should other have them next to them. Guys should too but they are stupid. The opening between the fallopian tubes and the ovaries let sperm and fluids circulate in the abdoment! Yuk

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It's called Honeymoon Cystitis. She requirements some antibitotics. It's just from up to date germs being introduced into her body. It's impressively common. She's lucky! It's usually extremely tight so every time you pee it feels resembling someone is pushing a red hot poker into your urethra! AAGGHHHH!!

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std is a solid possibility, the frequent urination is most likely due to a uti (urinary tract infection) drink lots of pure cranberry juice, consider going to doc for evaluation!

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sounds close to to me that she has a urinary tract infection. They are totally common for women and also adjectives after a sexual experience. During intercourse there are masses germs that are passed around and it is very smooth for one organism to work its way up to her urethra and do an infection. It is a good practice for women to pee after sex to bath out any bacterial that could have gotten within her urethra before it can create an infection. Don't panic it isn't promising a STD but if she had unprotected sex for the first time it doesn't look flawless for her future because she will find one eventually. The pain she feel is from her bladder which sits right in the middle between her two ovaries.

Have your friend budge to a doctor and get some antibiotics for a UTI.

Good luck,

Is something wrong next to me? Please help.?

It seem to me she has some charitable of inflamation due to her tight vagina receiving a penis for the first time, and have caused scratch in her vagina inner wall. Sounds approaching she's got a mild infection that would luckily be in motion away soon. Her swollen urethra restricting the flow of urine so she urinates reduced amounts each time. She should drink much river to increase the volume of urine and help seize rid of the infection. My best advice is:
1. See a doctor.
2. Change boyfriend.
3. Use protection, enjoy safe and nice sex.

What kinds of doctors exist??

he tore her hymen, thats what happen when you lose your virginity, and it will hurt for a few days and bleed a little bit. stupid to not use protection, she may be swollen internally from her first time which may present her a sensation she has to urinate, she wants to drink lots of water and flush her kidneys and bladder especially well, she could contract anything from him, too fruitless she wasnt smart enough to not lay down next to a dog with fleas.

Is this doomed to failure?

They all explained it since me.
she has a urinary tract infection.. she should be treated asap.

Being a girl sucks sometimes, please aid.?

Frequent urination sounds like urinary tract infection. She wishes to contact her doctor to arrange to have her bring in a urine tryout for a definitive diagnosis. In the meantime your friend should drink plenty of liquids including hose and cranberry juice to facilitate 'flush out' the kidneys. It's also important to remind your friend to other use some type of protection.

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Sounds like she have a UTI, and as far as the pain go, she just have her cherry popped, so to speak, and of course it's gonna be a bit bumpy! As far as the blood goes, she bled while have sex, and there might own been some small blood clots that didn't straight away come out that are slowly making their way out of the vagina. If yall are that concerned that you want to come to Yahoo, then you unambiguously need to run to a doctor.

Are you sure it's your friend and not you?

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ew, that poor girl should NOT own given her virginity to such a loser.ESPECIALLY without a condom.

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