Calling all mothers!!?

ok, i had my son 7 years ago by c bit. They cut a lot of nerves surrounded by my lower tummy and ive no feeling at adjectives which is a pain contained by the . anyway, no mater what i do i cannot get rid of my pouch. i am of milieu build and its not obvious to anyone but myself but im really concious of it. i be wondering if anyone out there know o something (apart from surgery) that will help shift it. I hae to be a supermodel for my summer holiday!!


Is it unpromising to cross your legs?

I've had 2 C Sections and I didn't own the numbness with the first but I did next to the 2nd and 5 years on I'm still numb its a real dull pain and I've still got a pouch no event how much exercise I do I just can't shift it I have no problems with the first one I thought the pre-eclampsia near my 4th pregnancy had something to do next to it as I didn't have it next to my other pregnancies.

Why does my clitoris get so unprepared during intercourse?

maybe you could excercise

What is the liquid coming out from a woman eyaculation?

not really=sorry

Would you say aloud that I'm a "fat girl?"?

You almost have me until you mentioned the supermodel thing.

Teens: the pill?

I'm sorry, I've get the same point from a hysterectomy...when they cut you, they cut through your muscle and when they patch you back up, it's not aligned up one and the same. You'll have that "pouch". I'm self-conscious give or take a few mine too, thank goodness it's unobserved! Sorry for the bad report. Oh, and the numbness should eventually disappear:)

Where can a woman find and buy the cheapest vaginal dilators?

I know someone who has have the exact same problem after two children both by c section. She found that the singular thing that help was a dvd call yogalates. It takes two weeks to show effects but to be honest if you do the workout every hours of daylight it works within a week.

I've tried it too, it's the best workout i've tried and it's highly relaxing too.

What is the best astringent out there?

I can sympathise as enjoy had two children by c-section and my pouch is much worse after the second child. I'm afraid that I hold not got a hugely successful answer to your put somebody through the mill but I can say that after using one of those ab toner roller things near the wheels surrounded by the middle and a handle on respectively side I found it was slightly better. I also have lost three and a partially stone since that last birth and am afraid that I am immediately just stuck beside a lot of flappy deserted skin. Sometimes i hate it and other times I look at my magnificent children and think it be well worth it. Hope it help to know you're not the only one as your cross-question has sure helped me - appreciation

Early 40's friend recovering from radical mastectomy. Song suggestions to voice "You're loved & you can do it!"?

about the only article is tummy tuck. that is my issue too except i didnt hold a c section, my dr said if i did it would be much worse

Period/Blood problem.. please abet me im really scared!?

I did not enjoy a C-section but know that I and many other women enjoy that pouch. I do not know how to lose it. In "Gone With The Wind" Scarlet did not want to lose her shape by having another child. I mull over your best bet is to work on body image nouns. After all it is not barefaced to anyone but yourself.
One more suggestion-I take belly hop lessons once a week and it have boosted my self esteem and confidence. It keeps me within good shape. And I hold seen copious different sizes and shapes for women and know that they can look hot with the right attitude-confidence and skill.

Period problems?

water aerobics worked really capably for me it toned me loads and i lost about a stone surrounded by 5weeks

Is anyone on Loestrin 24 or Yasmin Birth Control Pill or had taken them since?

Lay on your back and rub your tummy in a clockwise circle next to coacoa butter. Massage everyday. To tighten the pelvic wall do Kegel exercises. This tightens the muscles on the floor of your pelvis. You'll be able to hold your pee and you'll be capable of feel down here and it's just a really great exercise.
You own to squeeze down there as if you be trying to stop your pee from flowing. You can practice while you pee. If you can't stop yourself from peeing in mid stream, it means your pelvic floor is thin. Your whole entire bottom should squeeze. You can do it anytime adjectives day somewhere you are! Start with ten a morning and work up to fifty! Just squeeze, hold and then agree to go. You can do a few long ones and ten short ones.
All women should do this. Especially if they are have a baby. I enjoy seen websites for machines that abet you do it too, like Kegel Master. My midwife significantly recommends it.!!
Good luck!

Can a UTI impose you to be late on your interval?

i have it 2. my sons in a minute 12. even wen iv mannage to get to size 10-12 ive have it. exercise diet wont help. theyve screwd up the muscles an the merely thing will be sergery. im conyimplatin it!

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