Teens: the pill?

okay, so im 16 and yes, me and my bf are having sex. we are using a condom everytime and are comfortable chitchat about have sex and the best method of birthcontrol with respectively other. we wanted to return with the pill as well. i live surrounded by va if that helps, and i considered necessary to know how to get the pill minus my parents knowing and at either no cost or especially little cost to us.

i dont need lecture on abstinence or how discouraging premarital sex is. we have chosen to own sex and dont regret it. we just looked-for to obtain another method of birth control bar the condom. thanks=]

I know no birth control method is 100%, but am I still at a large risk?

Well I am glad you two are ready enough to sermon about birth control methods instead of diving right in. However, I am concerned that you don't want your parents to know roughly it. That shows that you might actually not be in position to have sex if you cant collaborate to your parents about it.
A condom will work roughly 98-99% of the time, but if you are planning on using the pill too, you should still use condoms all the time. Not individual will it prevent pregnancy, it will tremendously reduce the risk of an STI.
Being 18 years mature, I respect your decisions regardless of what my beliefs are give or take a few premarital sex. I just hope you really know whether or not you are organized to have sex.
It may be intricate, but you should really talk to your parents something like the pill, and if anything, add within that it will help near your period, too (but you shoudlnt slump about it!).
Good luck!

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Planned Parenthood

Anyone else hearing of more cases of TSS (toxic shock syndrome)?

i am not sure of the law in your state but you might check out planned paternity or crisis pregnancy centers places like that to see if you can bring it there lacking parental consent.good luck

31 weeks pregnant & suffering next to severe pain?

i can't bawl at you, i started having sex when i be 14 and i don't regret it either. luckily i have been on the pill since i be 12 for medical problems though. i would call planned maternity first- they can not only provide pregnancy test should you ever need it, but depending on your state's law can get you birth control short contacting your parents, and operate on a sliding scale, so you won't hold to pay as much if you don't produce any or very little money yourself.

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Although I wish you dawdle it is nice to hear that you are being responsible. I would hold you check with your local planned maternity or health department. They can assist you beside getting the doctors appointment and birth control. It is better to use both as condoms are fail secure and can brake. Just remember no matter how much protection you use here is still a chance you could become pregnant.

Does the pill effect fertility?

planned motherhood offers confidential doctor consultations. I am not sure if you can step without a guardian you will enjoy to call and ask. But I surmise the pill is $25-$35/ month. But its cheaper than having a tot! Be smart and good luck

Sex not foreboding that good anymore?

Looks resembling all your thinking roughly speaking is not having a babe-in-arms. Think about STD's. Use a condom even if you jump on the pill.


I went through equal thing. I a short time ago went to my vigour department, had an exam, and they give it to me free.

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