Would you say that I'm a "margarine girl?"?

Hi, I am 5'9 and have just this minute plumped up to 223 pounds!! I've never weight this much back! In my senior year in highschool I weigh a mere 155 pounds, and it has merely been 6 years! Would I really be considered a "heavy girl" now? I don't want to walk to my reunion as a fatty!

How can i know the mid cycle?

You're clinically obese according to every scientific device (such as this one here: http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/)....

It would behoove you to drop a few pounds. Obesity leads to lofty blood pressure, heart disease, undue strain on the knees and hips, and a number of other malady.

Its sticky??


I want a breast contraction have you have one?

yeah, you fat. sorry kiddo

Hi first time after 3 and a partly years?

Yes. I would say that you are definately overweight.

I'm 5"8 and weigh 119lb. Im a british dress size 10, but i'd resembling to be an 8 or 6, hw can i lose weight hurriedly?

I hate to read out this but ya (dont hurt me!!!)

Do women like it shaved down near ?

just work out, and eat lots of apples

Is it true that men other think nearly sex?

I would say pleasantly plump, but yeah, it wouldn't hurt you if you dropped some.

What should we do nearly my girlfriend's spotting while on the pill?

You can be a giant in the eyes of a asian, just right contained by the eyes of a Brit.
But goddess to the eyes of the Africans, the jewel of the God you desire.

All comes down to perspective my dear, except for health reason, you shouldn't really care too much ya?

Take thoroughness

When is it safe to use tampons after a miscarriage?

Hey Ashley,

A dutiful way to amend the efficiency of your digestive system and deeply do a mini detox is to use organic apple cider vinegar and hose. Put two tablespoons organic apple cider vinegar (Bragg's is good) into a mug and include 250ml of cold water and sip through a straw to avoid tooth enamel erosion. Do this 3 times a time 1/2 hour before respectively meal. The vinegar mix will restor an over sharp digestive system to its normal alkaline state. I know it sounds as if vinegar should receive it worse but this is truly a remarkable remedy. Just pump apple cider vinegar into your search engine and read notes you come up with ! Amazing stuff!!



........... :0)

What do you deliberate is the cause of cancer?

Yes I would right to be heard so.

Ladies, have you used the Depo?

I don't suggest to be rude. You are overweight. It is not good for your robustness. You may still have time to slim down since your reunion, but nevertheless, just because you are overweight does not close-fisted you can't look good as you are. Go to the hairdresser, grasp your nails done, by a bright dress and shoes. This will boost your confidence before your big daytime. Hold your head up high-ranking and feel confident. Beauty is more going on for confidence than weight!!

My tot's 2 months old and I still haven't have my period all the same?

I would like to metamorphosis the word Fat into Phat! And also what is pleasing to the eyes is very different to what is pleasing to the touch my dear. As long as you get big breasts and not mosquito bites like me, don't verbs, and just try to exercise more!

Am i too loose to be aware of sex like i used to?

I'm also just about your height.....my substance is 176 lbs.....so my BMI is about 26......
BMI 19-24 is run of the mill..... so you see even i'm a little overweight(BMI 25 to 30) and if your BMI is greater than. 30 you are set as obese
Your BMI is 32.9....so that means your obese....
Consult your doctor and go and get these Xenical (Orlistat) and Reductil (Sibutramine). ...which are slimming pills....
Dont take them yourself......ask a doctor first
You dont want to die close to Anna Nicole Smith...do yo!!!

How much is too much?

yep you are fat

Is this odd skin normal?

hi ashley,
yes honey, you are definately terrifically over weight...please for your sake start an exercise program and use portion control when you are have a meal.......when i have need of to drop some weight i usually way of walking for 30 minutes per day.......after dinner. if you can put your foot longer than that .... Great !!!
i want to wish you the best of luck and may God bless and preserve you safe.

Does depo provera contain estrogen ?

Hey girlfriend, I'm 5`4 and weigh in 174 pounds and according to my doc I am clinicly obese. Figure that.
But dont stress, freshly try and eat able-bodied and dring loads and loads of water and do some moderate excercise it'll halp you tone and firm up.
Other resort go on herbal energy diet, Thats what im gona do.

PS. GREENHOWL -dont be nasty .

Girls i hold a question nearly tampons.?

you are over weight and no classified as skinny how ever you are not obese any hun, take a pic of your self and simply look at you, what do you think, i am 5' 7 and weigh 200 and i am told i am not solid but thick sooooo

The pill.?

I'm not trying to be tight-fisted or hurt your feelings, but I own to be honest and say yes you are overweight. Especially for your increase. Try to lose some weight, but don't do it in recent times for the looks, do it because it's better for your health too.

Ovarian cyst?

Sorry, but yes. For your echelon, you max weight to still look upright is 138lbs. You are way over.

Watch what you get through. And Exercise.

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