Early 40's friend recovering from radical mastectomy. Song suggestions to influence "You're loved & you can do it!"?

My friend is in her hasty forties. She's a kind, loving, lovely former ballerina and mother of two. She was diagnosed near breast cancer recently, and have to have both breasts removed end week. She is nervous, as her docs hold said they won't be sure for a year if they got adjectives the cancer. She is not vain, but understandably when one's go has be so committed to ballet, fitness and "perfection," it is especially devastating to lose her breasts.

Instead of purely sending flowers or a card, I am making her a mix CD of uplifting songs from the 70s-90s. I am individual one person, so I'm asking you adjectives if you can think of any individual and mellow songs that emphasize strength, good looks, endurance and peace. She's not religious, but is vastly spirituaI.

I've already selected: Ooh Child, Angel, Tiny Dancer, Lovely Day, Solitude Standing, Candlelight, Smile, Full Of Grace, If You Want To Sing Out, Life Is The Red Wagon, Calling All Angels, Thousand Year Prayer.

Thanks, all! :)

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i'm every woman: chaka khan (rufus) you can't help but barn dance to that and be uplifted.

i'm coming out: diana ross...she needs to here positive songs, and i reflect this song is perfect because her natural life has changed and to look at it surrounded by a postive way will comfort her to focus and become positive about the change she must go through.

video: india aire...this song have an awesome message. i think it's unflawed for what you're trying to accomplish.

if i think of more i'll add on them on to my response.

i just looked-for to tell you that your friend is lucky to enjoy you in her go. i'm sure your hard work will not be contained by vain. good luck next to your project! =)

Period pains?

"I Love You Just The Way You Are"

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Mellisa Ethridge have songs about this after her warfare with breast cancer. I'm sorry I don't know the titles,but I'm sure you can find them. I meditate the CD may own come out last year. Hugs and prayers to your friend

I hold the marina birth control and havent had time in months what impair could this do to me.?

I Am Woman (by Helen Reddy). This is particularly momentous as a mantra for her to hear. When my mother had her mastectomy, she didn't grain like a woman. It's awfully devastating and emotionally traumatic, as you know. Having your friend hear this song, reinforces that no matter what, she is a woman and shall be celebrated.

Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves (by Annie Lennox and Aretha Franklin).... a greatly 'empowering' song for women - celebrate womanhood.

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Dolly Parton - I Will Always Love You

That Hawaiian Guy (Israel something) - Somwhere Over the Rainbow

Celine Dion - Love Is On the Way

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How about Gloria Estefans coming out of the ominous, or an oldie like Helen Reddys I am woman(thats a great nouns upper). You are so beautiful to me, the 70's own great songs for women. Go to songs of 70s web site, and you will find lots. Good luck and God bless you for mortal such a great caring friend.

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