I never quality hungry!?
Recently I've stopped feeling hungry. I never have a feeling the need to chomp through. I barely ate for these olden few weeks. Like for example, today I ate 4 mini chicken strips (they're the size of little mozerella sticks, the kind you could seize at the grocery store) and the only use I ate them was motivation my stomache was making noise so I thought it was time to munch through, so I kinda forced them. That's the only piece I ate all light of day and it's 5:30 p.m. right now. Or yesterday I ate around 1/2 a sub and nothing else for the rest of the morning. I eat lone 1-2 times a day, and they're other small portions. I don't snack on anything either. Basically, I'm exhausted and I surface sick. I can't really explain it, but my stomache feels tingling kinda, sorta resembling the butterflies you get when you own a crush. Maybe that's cause I've be hanging out beside a boy who i'm intrested in for a couple weeks. But I think that have nothing to do next to anything. What's wrong with me? Why am I never hungry?
Girls singular!! really embarrassing..?
try sticking to fruits and veggies that are slickly digested (for a while anyway). maybe your system is blocked. are you going to the bathroom alright? not to be too personal or anything! okay, this kinda bargain is making me feel loving of. ewwww.
Does periods vary month to month?
golly. . . i can imagine masses women tht would want tht problem!! . . . lol. . .i dont realy no but i sometimes feel tht bearing during my periodI enjoy a qustion about Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
You said that your stomach be growling and that you feel exhausted and sick. Your body IS hungry. Feed it!!