I have a qustion just about Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Could ibs lead to a twinge inyour lower right stomach where when you press on it or push pressure on it , it hurts. When i suck contained by or push on my right lower stomach its painfull. Its not my appendix, im 100 percent sure, this has be going on for about 5 years very soon, and when i was younger i be always have stomach problems, i was born next to colic and then at age 8 have stomach surgery for too many gastric juice in my stomach or w/e. Could i hold ibs and it just be a aching pain? im really not sure, and i dont hold insurance to go to a doctor, and i'd close to to know somewhat what i may have since i go to a doctor so i can describe things for a time better. Thanks

Peeing in the shower? is this gross? i mean does it really issue sence your in the shower getting verbs?

I have IBS and the stomach-ache is not located in one nouns. My whole belly bloats up and my guts hurt and the pain moves around.

I be a virgin and my boyfriend did me but im soo loose it he says it feel like somebody else did me.?

Try reading up just about IBS on www.webmd.com and other good medical sites.

I basically had my babe-in-arms last jan. on parade i had me length but none on april. what's wrong?

IBS or Colitis comes in multiple types, My twin brothers was cause by stress, also you have to try and pinpoint what you are drinking that brings on the attacks, in my case it be beans, other people it can be a specific type of bread, cheese, milk, fruits etc. . . etc. .

Its recommended that you sympathetic a diary and list the most adjectives types of food you use every day, by note what you eat and when you devour them, you can pinpoint the problem foods and then avoid them.

Also you will hold to consult a doctor and have a rectal scan to identify which unique colitis you are suffering from, not nice but it has to be done, individual then can a specific prescription be proscribed to help control it, in that is no total cure once you find out what the trigger are you must avoid them forever.

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im also an ibs sufferer it is painful most of my aching is behind my belly button. my husband is a sufferer of crohns disease we hold been through alot of surgerys beside him he also wore a colostomy bag for 3 months but thank god it be reversable. when you had surgery when you be small you could have alot of panic tissue and that can tug on different organs that could be your pain but plz!! step to the doctor it is nothing to play next to

Anyone had a D&C?

I own IBS and usually the pain is adjectives over.go to the doctor and bring back some medicine.Bentyl works for me. I also have my gallbladder removed and havent had abundant problems since. Watch what you eat also.

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