I reflect on I broke my vagina.?

I hadn't had sex in a loooong time, after being within a relationship for 5 years I took a long break, but now I get a boyfriend...sorta, and we went to bed for the first time on Saturday, ending night, my vagina started hurting plentifully, and this morning I woke up with it swollen and surrounded by pain...it's not itching, no unexpected discharge, no smell, and it doesn't hurt when I urinate...but it's full of bumps...and very itchy...I'm kinda worried, at first I thought STD, but those normally lift a while to show up? I don't know what to do...we had a great deal of sex, and somewhat rough...could it be that it's just hurt, or something more serious? Pls Help.

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i really dont infer its a STD! but it could be something that you are doing or using that is irritating it. I would suggest to call in your OB/GYN just to see whats really going on. You should hold a check up every 6 months with your doctor anyways, so simply go check it out to see whats going on. Don't Be so worried, thats the ending thing you involve to do, just serenity down, relax and see the doctor to see what they say.

best of luck to ya! i hope everything turns out for the best!

Edit: YES! shaving have a LOT to do with it, that could probably be your problem. i remember one time when i shaved, i shaved a pretty righteous bit, and i had little red bumps everywhere, it be horrible lol you probably just hold bumps cuz of shaving, thats what i see as your problem. If it clears up after 4-5 days, then you know it be from shaving. Im the type that doesnt rush to the doctor for everything, i always skulk to see if it clears up or something, but if it doesnt then thats when i tend to verbs and make an appointment...

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it might be genital wart.
their currently uncurable but they can show up as little as 6 hours after being infected. i really suggest seeing your doctor immediatly
if it be unprotected sex you will have a highly developed chance of have it

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Let's freshly say I hope you used a condom. It could be because the sex be rough but if this persists you might want to see a doctor because it could be an STD.

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I would conjecture it's an STD.I would go to the doctor.Bumpy vagina not virtuous.

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It could a short time ago be that you were sore from have sex for the first time in a long time. However since you hold bumps on it i would suggest going to the doctor for a test anyway. Just to be on the secure side, especially if you didn't use protection

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put some rime on it for about 5 minutes. if the swelling and bumps do not progress away, GO TO A DOCTOR!! you could have newly roughed it up during sex and if so, the ice should relief but if NOT, and the ice does not manufacture it better, then give the name the doctor.A gyno not a general practicioner...

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You involve to get checked out as it COULD be an STD.

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I'm not sure where on earth exactly the bumps are - are they inside the vagina or around the vulva?
It just may be a yeast infection, which could enjoy flared up due to the rough sex irritating the vagina. Was there plenty lubrication? That can cause torment and swelling, too. Try some vagisil or canesten cream, these help settle down bacterial imbalance in and around the vagina.

If unsure, see your doctor.
Feel better hun, good luck

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Go to the doctor I agree with the first answer

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lol it be probably too rough or too much all at once...slow down subsequent time...

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If you freshly shaved and have sex, it probably just irritation because as you said, it be kind of rough... I get waxed the other light of day and as soon as I got home, my bf jump on me and well it did hurt... kinda average when your skin is sensitive...

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The best item that you can do is go to the doctor. Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. I be in equal situation and unfortunately my situation wasn't the best. If the bump is thorny or abnormal, after get checked, but if it's somewhat of a fleece bump you should be fine and you should be able to distinguish the difference in a tresses bump vs a wart. Good luck sweetie and be safe subsequent time.

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You might enjoy caught genital herpes. I would go to the OBGYN ASAP! Good luck!

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Being full of bumps is not a good sign. You involve to go to the doctor and gain that checked out immediately. I hope you used protection...

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