Girls i need some support!!?

hey everyone i have for a time problem and i need serve. i love my girlfriend to death and she tell me that she loves me to. over this past weekend, she told me that she requirements to take a short time break but she still loves me. she claims that she just wishes to make sure that she really loves me. she in recent times wants to try it out for the summer. she also told me that i am holding her final a little. by that i tight, when she goes out w/ her friends, she want to join new society but she feels guilty b/c i am alway on her mind. wat should i do, i hold never been contained by this situtation. and i dont want to lose her. one other thing, she lives 5 hrs away rite in a minute b/c she is in college. if anyone can help that would be great.

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if you really love her you'll let her jump without query despite how much it hurts you. sometimes people requirement their space and some time to get out and do things they've other wanted. you should be prepared that you might not be getting hindmost together but if she really loves you the way she will be back together at some point. in the long run this is a hearty option for your relationship and its better for her to carry it out of her system now next 10 or 20 years down the road when you're married/have kids...ect and life is a short time ago THAT much more complicated. just try to relax and relish you're time off from the relationship too. save in touch next to her every now and afterwards but not too much so she doesn't feel close to this change never occured. who the fall you may be thankful for this time past its sell-by date too. i know its hard but doing the right article in any situation is never comfortable.

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hm her love doesnt come across too strong if she wants a break and say youre holding her back. its summer, she probably requirements to party. basically let her be in motion, and then if she loves you, she'll come rear legs.

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Honestly, the best way to show her how much you love her is to respect her decision. Obviously this is heartbreaking and tough, but you are being VERY ready and loving by allowing her to make the finding to break. There's nothing close to a clingy ex-boyfriend who begs and beg and cries to take the girl wager on and calls every two second. Giving her space shows that you respect her decision. When she see that, she may come to love you even more for your appreciation. Don't call and nag her too much, in recent times say "if you be aware of like that's what you want after I will respect that. I will really miss you, but I respect your decision" Don't call or e-mail excessively, a short time ago let her enjoy the space she's asked for and hopefully you two will get put money on together!


Kiss her goodbye, cause you done lost her.

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I'm sorry to be the bearer of discouraging news, but your female is trying to let you down as efficiently as she can. She doesn't want to be tied down right now. Honey, if you truly lover approaching you say you do, LET HER GO! If her love is truly yours, she'll come fund to you and it will be for keeps. My warning to you is, don't crowd her. It will run her away. She already lives 5 hours away, you don't want her to just turn away and not look rear. I hope thins turn out okay.
Good luck.

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