GYNOS NURSES please lend a hand?

i am in my third month of taking seasonique, a birth control pill that grant u a period individual 3 times a year, but i am having brawny spottin and cramps, i feel similar to i'm on my period everyday. i'm considering only just stopping the pill and just have my period untimely, i have nearly a week and a half moved out. will i get my length rite away if i stop taking the rest of the pills?

I wear a size 32 GG in bra sizes and i weigh 70 pounds?

Unfortunately, Seasonale/Seasonique and the new Lybel hold a high incidence of unpredictable bleeding or spotting which repeatedly does not subside. This is a natural side effect of long-term menstrual suppression. You enjoy to choose between dealing with the unpredictable spotting or switching to a pill that allows you to bleed every month.

Do not stop taking your pills! Spotting does not close-fisted they are not working, nor that your body wants a "break". Can you get into a local Planned Parenthood to discuss switching to something else?

(And only an extra note: unexplained vaginal bleeding can also be cause by STI infection, so you'll want to get screen if you've had any risk of those.)

Birth control?


Could it be stress or pregnancy?

New (to you) types of birth control recurrently have the most serious side effects surrounded by the first few months, and then they aren't as bleak later. If it is insupportable, then you can consider switching methods. But if it is something you can stand, it will probably be better if you swing in nearby for the next 10 days. Then when it comes time for your subsequent cycle, if it is better, keep it up, but if it is indistinguishable bad cramps and spotting, you can again consider switching to a birth control near fewer side effects.

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