Could it be stress or pregnancy?

I've been beneath unusual stress lately due to college and my period be 3 days late when I have protected sex and ever since I've been really paranoid and stressed out around it. So much that I'll wake up within the middle of the night crying and shaking really doomed to failure. I wanna go to the doctor but I touch really shy and scared going on for going. Now I'm 9 days late.

Does Augmentin affect birth control pills?

You don't obligation to go to a doctor, buy a home check.

Why can't pregnant women eat sushi?

Take a interview!

12 year old PERIOD PROBLEMS?

Stress can plainly make your length late. But, If I be you, I would take a home pregnancy assessment to be sure. That is the only course to know for sure.

Shaving? girls with experiance please?

pop to the chemists or superastore and capture a pregnancy kit it will put your mind at contentment. it is possible that it could be late due to the reality your stressed as this does effect a womans cycle and if you have used protection, dutiful lass, im sure your probably fretting for no reason! flawless luck and get a exam asap then you can breathe and relax chuck :-)

I want to hold a professional armpits waxing but im too shy?

Oh, honey. They own cousellors at your school, psychologists who are here waiting to help you and others resembling you through these common although personal situations. Go collaborate to someone, my dear.

What is the name of the up to date pill that?

Sweet y go and buy the clear blue digital question paper. it will tell you if your pregnant or not.
you can be as precipitate as 4 days late and it will pass you the results without a doctor.

And quit stressing or you will be paid yourself sick.

mrs. alene

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