Is your manager suppose to hurt when you have your spell?

It's almost time for my period to come again..
My team leader hurts.. It feels enormously tight..
Is it suppose tp hurt?

Marriage Issue - A Typical Problem - Can Anyone advice on this?

Every constituent of your body can hurt.

I have a yeast infection and am completely allergic to monostat, is there anything else I could use for assist?

It's normal if your team leader hurts. It's a reaction most girls draw from. Me one of them.

Are you saposed to get your extent 28 days from?

Yes it is normal it can occur to anybody.

I think i own Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. could i get rid of it?

Yep, it is commonplace for your head to hurt as here is blood loss. You may experience giddiness, headache, nausea ... if your period flow is hard to digest. :)

Is it normal when you enjoy sex and your vagina turns red and your cant touch it cuz of how much it hurts?

yes its completely normal. the best entry is when you no your about due for you time is to take some Motrin, Tylenol, etc. (its what ever you prefer) a couple days be for your extent to keep it from hitting you rock-hard. that's what i have other done. hope this helps you ;)

Girls single plz.?

well, has it hurt earlier? some people capture different sytoms before their term. some break out, some get craps, some draw from cranky. Your probably about to start.

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