Losing virginity.?

I lost my virginity and I don't want my mom to find out. She said she can take me to the doctor and find out if I hold or not... and I'm scared that she will find out. I'm not sure if my hymen have broken yet and I want to know a instrument that I can tell. I didn't bleed while have sex and it also didn't hurt so I'm wondering if there is a method I can tell...

Did your Gyno ever make clear to you not to take a tub and don't sleep in any underwear?

Doctors can't give an account if you've had sex or not unless you hold an STD or are pregnant, in which overnight case everyone knows. You may enjoy broken your hymen well past this (I lost mine when I was seven to a bike happenstance; other women have similar stories or might not enjoy even realized it), you may never enjoy had a hymen, or you might own a flexible, stretchy one. As long as you are safe and you protect yourself, you'll be fine, although very soon that you are sexually active, you should see a doctor regularly. If prerequisite, you can always only just tell your mom that you've be having problems near your period that you want to bring back checked out.

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Your mom is wrong. Just because your hymen is no longer in that doesn't mean you arn't a virgin anymore. Hymens can be broken by other things.

What should i do in the region of this?

If you've had your extent for awhile, it's likely that your hymen is long gone anyway.

And, no, in that's no magic theory test they do to see if you've had sex.

Your mom shouldn't be trying to panic you like that, she should be stressing the exigency of being set, and being responsible just about sex.

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well there is justing looking down at hand and see if you will bleed or there really isn't a track other than that pretty much!

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Well, technically, your hymen could hold been broken at a young at heart age, from riding your bike, gymnastics, etc. And to be homest, not mean, if your ashamed or don't want your mum to know, you shouldn't do it. The truth will come out eventually.

Good Luck

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Your hymen can be broken several ways, including but not exclusively by having sex. A doctor can make clear to if your hymen is
broken but not necessarily how it was broken. How feeble are
you? You sound similar to you are too young to be have sex.
An unwanted pregnancy is the last point you need right presently.
Don't be pushed into having sex beforehand you are ready and when you are, use a condom.

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by ruling your doctor can NOT tell your parent if u r or if you r not a virgin.

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Most likely your mom WILL NOT Take you to see if your HYMEN have been broken. Im not a doctor but im pretty sure the simply way she could give an account is if you got pregnant or some STD's. Some girls dont bleed, some bleed exceptionally little, Some bleed alot when their hymen is broken. It also could have already be broken from tapons,or physical things like sports anyways. Dont verbs about it.

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If sex didn't hurt and you didn't bleed during sex afterwards chances are your hymen broke a long time ago. Your hymen can break during events such as bike riding, horseback riding, sports and tampon use. Did you fool around sexually in the past? If a guy have ever fingered you, that too could break your hymen. Your Mom cannot accuse you of have sex simply because your hymen is broken, as there are copious things that can break a girls hymen.

It would be best to see a doctor once you become sexually active because you are at risk for constant infections, even STD's. Please be careful and use protection contained by the future.

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She'll never know.. don't worry the hymen doesn't just break when you have relations...

Can any one some suggestions ?.?

Your mom is pretty pitiable to try to use a scare tactic on you. No doctor can truly notify if your hymen is "broken" nor should they even bother to try and tell if it is. By most law a doctor (at a certain age) does not communicate your parent your medical information unless you allow it. I think it is different by state. Either track if your mom went to a doctor and told him/her to explain to if you are a virgin, they would probably look at her as if she was an idiot.

Also, since you are sexually alive you should go to a gyno and thieve responsibility to get yourself checked out. It would be best to go and get on birth control and even check your partner for any STD's. You can probably get free birth control at Planned Parenthood and they can not notify your mother by law. With sex comes responsibility so don't say-so "Eww I don't want someone touching me!!" or then you should stop have sex. Learn everything you need to know earlier you continue because if you are upset that your mom will find out by LOOKING then you are not clued-up enough to enjoy sex.

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you can check to see if your hymen is broken near your finger it will block you from going in too far, i suggest you go to your doctor and talk to him/her roughly speaking prevention of std's and pregnancy, and there a bearing to determine if you have have sex the penis causes friction contained by the virginia which can be seen, approaching rug burns, it is only perceptible for a short time, anyway your doctor should be told to prevent std or pregnancy he/she can't report your mom without your premission

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even if she could if you give an account your doctor not to tell your mom he could turn to jail if he does!

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