How can I find taller?

i'm 15 and currently 5'2 and what's to be 5'10. i know there's no pills that i can lug, but what else can i do? what food should i eat,etc.

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There's zilch you can do to "get taller." It's all inheritance.

You can appear taller by standing up straight, wearing vertical stripes, wearing heels, wearing monochromatic colored clothes, wearing pointy toed shoes....

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eat healthy but if your 15 your probably done growing. im 5'11 and I abhor it so i would give you my loftiness if i could

I've never been competent to this normal or is near something wrong?

Buy 8" heels? It's in yer genes. Your future loftiness was set when you be in yer moms belly. Just don't stunt it by smoking, caffein or drugs.

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lol when u be posting this question didnt u see one below thats impossible to tell apart the guy that answered that question said that to grasp taller u should drink milk and he said that he did that and still does and that his 6'6

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Go slap your parents. They give you the genes!!

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honey, hate to break it to ya, but unless you plan on wearing stilts for the rest of your existence you aren't gonna make it to 5'10". I'm 5'7" and I want to be 5'10" and I know thats not scheduled. But drink milk i guess or wear high heels but i doubt you'll clear it past 5'6" even contained by heels and milk :P so i would just bequeath up on it hun. There is no miraculous formula or anything but there is knees surgery but they only use that on ppl who own uneven legs and have need of it to be able to put your foot. also it is very sensitive and the recovery time interval is like 4 years i judge. and the procedure takes roughly 2 or 3 years. so idk do what you want but i would stick to what i got.

If u have sex on the first day of your length, can u get pregnant?

High heels & milk.

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