Could I be pregnant? (serious answers please!)?

Well this is the story.. I been on the pill (microgynon) almost 3 years, I other take it in good time. I finish my pills on a wensday 02/06, I didnt take the pill for 7 days (how it supposed to be) during this time I get my period, I supposed to start again on thursday 02/14 but I didnt.
I forgot to bring the pill until sunday 02/17 and I had sex beside my bf all that night (he come inside), since the first day that I forgot to clutch it I been verbs.. I was thinking to transport a pregnancy test but they mention that should be rob since the first day of missing time of year, I will dont know that my period is missing until 03/05... My request for information is can I take the pregnancy audition now? How big are the probability that Im pregnant?

Answers:    don't listen to him. my aunt was on the pill and she have sex with her hubby and nine months then out popped a baby. also she is VERY fertile. she have had 3 babies surrounded by the past 3 years.
you can hold the prego test very soon if you'd like.
also i don't judge your ego is prego.
your good;-)
If he did not enjoy a condom then find some diapers as your life is over.

the pill is NOT 100% even if you took it every light of day.

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