Is it really safe to use plain yogurt to gain rid of a yeast infect of the vangina?
Had a hysterectomy and doc said I should keep on six weeks for ANYTHING(sex), should I wait longer?
yes it is without doubt safe.infact have yoghurt regularly definitely subsides the infection.
I call for a colposcopy but am worried about the cramp?
It can't harm you that is to say for sure, if it will cure your yeast infection is another problem. I am not sure yogurt cures, it just ease the symptoms a bit.Get some yeast infection medicine from the drug store. It will work faster.
Question for fully grown women only please.?
your yeast infection is an overgrowth of fungus, simple low cost cure, 3 tablespoons vinegar to one quart wet mix and douche, followed by diluted plain yogurt douche, the vinegar restores the proper ph levels and the yogurt strengthen your own robustness bacteria to maintain the fungus in check, its ok to douche but restrict to no more than 3 times a month unless otherwise directed by your health nurture provider, also premix vinegar can be found at most drug stores or walmarts, summers eve ! oh yes make yogurt a factor of your regular diet, be sure it says live moving culters on the label plain is best as it have less sweeteners another trigger for yeast!yes yogurt can backing - it have similar microbes to the normal vaginal microbes - so it can help to replace the yeast.
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this will not work. it is vaginitis , inflammation needed medical care ,in attendance are good remedied contained by homeopathy needed more symptoms also if there are stores to buy homeo medicinesif so please contact on e correspondence
please donot take lightly
no sexual contacts it will passed to partner also
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